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O nas
  • MySQL server version: 5.7.28-31-log collapsPage options: Array ( [title] => O nas [sortOrder] => ASC [sort] => menuOrder [defaultExpand] => [expand] => 4 [depth] => -1 [inExcludePage] => include [linkToPage] => [inExcludePages] => 759, 13435, 119, 258, 152, 5956, 5978, 3493, 11811 [showPosts] => [animate] => 0 [postTitleLength] => 0 [useCookies] => 1 [debug] => 1 [customExpand] => [customCollapse] => [expandWidget] => 1 ) PAGE QUERY: SELECT wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_parent, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_name, date(wp_posts.post_date) as 'date' FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_status='publish' AND post_name NOT IN ('') AND wp_posts.post_type='page' ORDER BY wp_posts.menu_order ASC PAGE QUERY RESULTS Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 505 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => stowarzyszenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 373 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Sportu [post_name] => animator-2 [date] => 2011-08-30 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2955 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 451 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 460 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 741 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Zarząd [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 544 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 554 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 558 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 28 [post_name] => pit-28 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 626 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 628 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 630 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 836 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 759 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Związek [post_name] => zwiazek-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Przekaż nam swój 1,5% [post_name] => przekaz-nam-swoj-1 [date] => 2012-01-09 ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 818 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 838 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 840 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 889 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Programy Szkoleń Kadr Sportowych [post_name] => programy-szkolen-kadr-sportowych [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 891 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Badminton [post_name] => badminton [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1375 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1297 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Organizacja Pracy [post_name] => organizacja-pracy [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1309 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Władze Związku [post_name] => wladze-zwiazku [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1356 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1358 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1361 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1363 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1365 [post_parent] => 302 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1367 [post_parent] => 304 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1369 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1371 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1373 [post_parent] => 986 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1394 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => szachy-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1400 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - IMS [post_name] => szachy-sp [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1405 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowy Tenis Stołowy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => dts-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1709 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Założenia Ogólne [post_name] => zalozenia-ogolne [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Koszykówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => koszykowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [37] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1936 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1992 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [39] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1987 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [40] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Unihokej Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => unihokej-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [41] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowe Szachy - Licealiada [post_name] => druzynowe-szachy-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [42] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2020 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [43] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2026 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Chłopców - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-chlopcow-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [44] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2032 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Dziewcząt - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-dziewczat-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [45] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2160 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Plażowa Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => plazowa-pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-06-18 ) [46] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2415 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa-szkol-podstawowych [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [47] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2335 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [48] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2344 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [49] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2354 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [50] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2425 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [51] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2433 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [52] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2489 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [53] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2493 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zasady organizacji i rozliczenia [post_name] => zasady-organizacji-i-rozliczenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [54] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2515 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [55] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2630 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Porządek obrad (projekt) [post_name] => porzadek-obrad-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [56] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2674 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Umowy na Eliminacje Wojewódzkie [post_name] => umowy-na-eliminacje-wojewodzkie [date] => 2012-09-18 ) [57] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2852 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Założenia Programowe [post_name] => zalozenia-programowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [58] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2892 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2004-2008 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2004-2008 [date] => 2012-11-14 ) [59] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2903 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zdzisław Urbańczyk [post_name] => zdzislaw-urbanczyk [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [60] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2907 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Mirosław Dębowski [post_name] => miroslaw-debowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [61] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2914 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zbigniew Kosmalski [post_name] => zbigniew-kosmalski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [62] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2916 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wojciech Ziemniak [post_name] => wojciech-ziemniak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [63] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2920 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Marek Szczepanowski [post_name] => marek-szczepanowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [64] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2922 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jerzy Kerger [post_name] => jerzy-kerger [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [65] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2924 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Adam Kłodnicki [post_name] => adam-klodnicki [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [66] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krzysztof Mądry [post_name] => krzysztof-madry [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [67] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2929 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Edward Dereszewski [post_name] => edward-dereszewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [68] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Roman Wiśniewski [post_name] => roman-wisniewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [69] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2933 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wiesław Nowak [post_name] => wieslaw-nowak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [70] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2938 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2008-2012 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2008-2012 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [71] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [72] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3014 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja – Galeria [post_name] => 13-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [73] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [74] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3024 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [75] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3477 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [76] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3495 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => List do struktur [post_name] => list-do-struktur [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [77] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3502 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Warunki i tryb ubiegania się o wyróżnienia [post_name] => warunki-i-tryb-ubiegania-sie-o-wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [78] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3506 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [79] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3608 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Informacja ogólna [post_name] => informacja-ogolna [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [80] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3851 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Renata Wolska [post_name] => renata-wolska [date] => 2013-03-28 ) [81] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3768 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - szkolne [post_name] => lista-szkolne [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [82] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3812 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo SZS [post_name] => logo-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [83] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3816 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo 65 lat SZS [post_name] => logo-60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [84] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3989 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Pismo [post_name] => pismo [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [85] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4017 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [86] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4042 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 4 [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [87] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4168 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [88] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4179 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2013 [post_name] => edycja-2013 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [89] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4183 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty dla uczniów "Wolni od nałogów" [post_name] => warsztaty-dla-uczniow-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [90] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4261 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Indywidualne [post_name] => indywidualne [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [91] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4383 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [92] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4389 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [93] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4400 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [94] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4413 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [95] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4421 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [96] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4429 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [97] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4567 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Spotkania świetlicowe naszą szansą na sukces [post_name] => spotkania-swietlicowe-nasza-szansa-na-sukces [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [98] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4569 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Bezpieczni i wolni od nałogów [post_name] => bezpieczni-i-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [99] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4619 [post_parent] => 4344 [post_title] => Spotkanie okolicznościowe 60-lecia SZS [post_name] => spotkanie-okolicznosciowe-60-lecia-szs [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [100] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4624 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe [post_name] => 14-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [101] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4644 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja [post_name] => 14-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [102] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4647 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne [post_name] => 14-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [103] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4688 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [104] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4741 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Stop zwolnieniom z WF-u [post_name] => stop-zwolnieniom-z-wf-u [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [105] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5204 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-gim [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [106] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5206 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy SPG [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-spg [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [107] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5208 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => DRUŻYNOWE MISTRZOSTWA W SZACHACH SP [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-sp [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [108] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5193 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-gim [date] => 2014-01-13 ) [109] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6135 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [110] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5388 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [111] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5598 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => XI Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => xi-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [112] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6929 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-03-01 ) [113] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6139 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [114] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6712 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Szkół Podstawowych [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-sp [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [115] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6714 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Licealiady [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-spg [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [116] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6785 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2015-02-04 ) [117] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => WIMS [post_name] => wims [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [118] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7888 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gala GRAND PRIX 2015 [post_name] => gala-grand-prix-2015 [date] => 2015-12-02 ) [119] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8285 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BIEGACZE ZS Nr 1 w OSTRZESZOWIE PONOWNIE NAJLEPSI W POLSCE!!! [post_name] => biegacze-zs-nr-1-w-ostrzeszowie-ponownie-najlepsi-w-polsce [date] => 2016-04-27 ) [120] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8403 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LISTA SZKÓŁ ZGŁOSZONYCH DO PROGRAMU MAŁY MISTRZ [post_name] => lista-szkol-zgloszonych-do-programu-maly-mistrz [date] => 2016-05-28 ) [121] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8547 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVIII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xviii-wims [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [122] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8982 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016-2 [date] => 2016-10-30 ) [123] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jarosław Graczyk [post_name] => jaroslaw-graczyk [date] => 2016-11-30 ) [124] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9826 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => podsumowanie [post_name] => podsumowanie [date] => 2017-03-02 ) [125] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10359 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [126] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10384 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XIX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xix-wims [date] => 2017-08-22 ) [127] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10781 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2018 [post_name] => sks-2018 [date] => 2017-12-17 ) [128] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11474 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => ISF [post_name] => isf [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [129] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11476 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Biegi na orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [130] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11535 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xx-wims [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [131] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12638 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [132] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13062 [post_parent] => 12663 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2020-02-15 ) [133] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13375 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2019/2020 [post_name] => 2019-2020 [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [134] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13387 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie Dzieci i Młodzieży Sportowo Uzdolnionej [post_name] => smsu [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13395 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [136] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxii-wims [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [137] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13973 [post_parent] => 13971 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [138] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14064 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „Czwórka” przy SP nr 4 w Koninie [post_name] => uks-czworka-przy-sp-nr-4-w-koninie [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [139] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14066 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZRYW” Przykona [post_name] => uks-zryw-przykona [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [140] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14113 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2016-2021 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2016-2021 [date] => 2021-07-16 ) [141] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14280 [post_parent] => 14278 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [142] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15352 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => AKTYWNA SZKOŁA [post_name] => aktywna-szkola [date] => 2023-07-05 ) [143] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15459 [post_parent] => 15457 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [144] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-02 ) [145] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15786 [post_parent] => 15787 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [146] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => STANDARDY OCHRONY MAŁOLETNICH [post_name] => standardy-ochrony-maloletnich [date] => 2024-08-15 ) [147] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków UMWW [post_name] => smsu-umww [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [148] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 18 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Członkowie SZS [post_name] => czlonkowie [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [149] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 24 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [150] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1712 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Regulamin Komisji Szkoleniowej [post_name] => regulamin-komisji-szkoleniowej [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [151] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 32 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [152] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 34 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [153] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 37 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [154] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 63 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => asdim [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [155] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 74 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Dane teleadresowe [post_name] => dane [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [156] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 181 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [157] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 141 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => szkola-podstawowa [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [158] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 224 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [159] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 226 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [160] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 260 [post_parent] => 258 [post_title] => Ogłoszenia, sprawozdania [post_name] => ogloszenia [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [161] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 270 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => lista-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [162] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 276 [post_parent] => 2259 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [163] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 280 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [164] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 285 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zasady rozliczeń [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [165] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 447 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Komisje [post_name] => komisje [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [166] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 455 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [167] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 458 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Skład Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [168] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 517 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja odwoławcza [post_name] => komisja-odwolawcza [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [169] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 547 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [170] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 556 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [171] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 560 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 36 [post_name] => pit-36 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [172] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 590 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Wielkopolska [post_name] => wielkopolska [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [173] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 640 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [174] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 642 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [175] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 644 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [176] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 745 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [177] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3354 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Partnerzy [post_name] => partnerzy [date] => 2013-01-31 ) [178] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 883 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Lekkoatletyka SPG [post_name] => lekkoatletyka-spg [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [179] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 886 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sztafetowe Biegi Przełajowe [post_name] => sztafetowe-biegi-przelajowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [180] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1419 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [181] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2053 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Informacje Ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [182] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2303 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => I tura zajęć [post_name] => i-tura-zajec [date] => 2012-08-09 ) [183] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2337 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [184] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2346 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [185] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2356 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [186] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2417 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [187] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2427 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [188] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2435 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [189] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2441 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [190] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2464 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla Animatora [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [191] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2495 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [192] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2517 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Lista startowa [post_name] => lista-startowa [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [193] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2632 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów XV Walnego Zjazdu Delegatów (projekt) [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow-xv-walnego-zjazdu-delegatow-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [194] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2854 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [195] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3020 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe I [post_name] => prezentacja-1 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [196] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3022 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe II [post_name] => prezentacja-2 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [197] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3481 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [198] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3498 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Kalendarz obchodów [post_name] => kalendarz-obchodow [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [199] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3508 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Odznaką MSiT [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [200] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3708 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Skład Komisji [post_name] => sklad-komisji [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [201] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3770 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - select [post_name] => lista-select [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [202] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3822 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [203] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3828 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [204] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3887 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Lista Partnerów [post_name] => lista-partnerow [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [205] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3992 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia szkoły [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia-szkoly [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [206] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4020 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [207] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4263 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Zbiorowe [post_name] => zbiorowy-instytucje [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [208] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4366 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [209] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4385 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [210] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4391 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [211] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4408 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [212] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4415 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [213] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4423 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [214] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4431 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [215] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4690 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [216] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4731 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [217] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4966 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Mapka dojazdu [post_name] => mapka-dojazdu [date] => 2013-12-11 ) [218] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5392 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [219] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5663 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Pismo do województw [post_name] => pismo-do-wojewodztw [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [220] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5958 [post_parent] => 5978 [post_title] => Przetargi [post_name] => przetargi [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [221] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5972 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Dopiewo [post_name] => program-dopiewo [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [222] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6073 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [223] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6088 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [224] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6090 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [225] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6092 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [226] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6117 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [227] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6119 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [228] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6121 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [229] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6182 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [230] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6209 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [231] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6921 [post_parent] => 6233 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [232] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6299 [post_parent] => 6879 [post_title] => Poznań 2015 [post_name] => isf-plywanie-2015 [date] => 2014-09-10 ) [233] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6306 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [234] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6322 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-09-21 ) [235] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6749 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad NWZD [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-nwzd [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [236] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6827 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [237] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6870 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [238] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6884 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [239] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6896 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [240] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7471 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Regulamin ogólny XVI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [241] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7376 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [242] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7501 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [243] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7507 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [244] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7509 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [245] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7529 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora krajowego [post_name] => lista-operatora-krajowego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [246] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7604 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => System Rejestracji Szkół [post_name] => system-rejestracji-szkol [date] => 2015-09-16 ) [247] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7675 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2016-Projekt [post_name] => multisport-2016-projekt [date] => 2015-10-18 ) [248] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7696 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [249] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7699 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [250] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7701 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [251] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7709 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [252] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7719 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [253] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7937 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [254] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8043 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [255] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8363 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2016-05-11 ) [256] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8453 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [257] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8491 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => I edycja [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia-i-edycja [date] => 2016-06-23 ) [258] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8501 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy startowe i uzupełniające [post_name] => zestawy-startowe-i-uzupelniajace [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [259] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8521 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => XVIII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => xvii-igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [260] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8527 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [261] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8530 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [262] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8532 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [263] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8561 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [264] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8563 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [265] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8593 [post_parent] => 8591 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [266] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8632 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [267] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8744 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => ZAPROSZENIE [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [268] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9470 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [269] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9540 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [270] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9571 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [271] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9573 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [272] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9731 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [273] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10048 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja I [post_name] => edycja-i [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [274] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10087 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 1. Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => 1-sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [275] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10091 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [276] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10101 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [277] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10388 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => kontakt [post_name] => kontakty [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [278] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10246 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [279] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10322 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [280] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10330 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [281] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10332 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [282] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10334 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [283] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10361 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [284] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10448 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 8-9.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-8-9-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [285] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10460 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => instrukcja przeprowadzenia testów [post_name] => instrukcja-przeprowadzenia-testow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [286] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10830 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [287] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10832 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [288] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10834 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [289] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10896 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [290] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OZSSON [post_name] => ozsson [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [291] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11008 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [292] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11396 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [293] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11486 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [294] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11490 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [295] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11500 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [296] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11548 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [297] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11553 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [298] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11557 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [299] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11708 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Eliminacje [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [300] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11727 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Hejnał i marsz SZS [post_name] => hejnal-i-marsz [date] => 2018-10-14 ) [301] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11815 [post_parent] => 11811 [post_title] => Logo 70 Lat SZS [post_name] => logo-70-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [302] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11991 [post_parent] => 11988 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [303] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12182 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [304] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12280 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => II Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => ii-warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [305] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12282 [post_parent] => 12280 [post_title] => komunikat organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [306] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12509 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [307] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12524 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [308] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12533 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [309] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12535 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [310] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxi-wims [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [311] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12636 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [312] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12645 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [313] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13292 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [314] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13439 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 25 lat SZS [post_name] => 25-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [315] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13463 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [316] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13469 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [317] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13481 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [318] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13488 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [319] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13617 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [320] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13986 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ORKAN” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-orkan-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [321] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14042 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Sport Games U15 [post_name] => sport-games-u15 [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [322] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14046 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [323] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14629 [post_parent] => 14627 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [324] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14634 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Sędzia Sportowy [post_name] => mlodziezowy-sedzia-sportowy [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [325] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14763 [post_parent] => 14761 [post_title] => Normandia 2022 [post_name] => normandia-2022 [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [326] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15201 [post_parent] => 15199 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [327] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15646 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarze - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-id-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [328] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15787 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2024 [post_name] => program-sks-2024 [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [329] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 27 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Druki [post_name] => druki [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [330] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 40 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [331] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 43 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [332] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 46 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [333] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 66 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Osób Niepełnosprawnych [post_name] => ason [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [334] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 77 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Konto SZS [post_name] => konto [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [335] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 183 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [336] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 264 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków PP [post_name] => program-smsu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [337] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 282 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [338] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 287 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Tabela podatkowa [post_name] => tabela-podatkowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [339] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 309 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [340] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 324 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [341] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 449 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [342] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 453 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Skład Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [343] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 509 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [344] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 521 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s współzawodnictwa [post_name] => komisja-ds-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [345] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 549 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [346] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 562 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 37 [post_name] => pit-37 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [347] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 646 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [348] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 648 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [349] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 650 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [350] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 821 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biegi na Orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [351] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1417 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [352] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1715 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Składki Członkowskie [post_name] => skladki-czlonkowskie [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [353] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2055 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [354] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2319 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => wims [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [355] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2339 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [356] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2348 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [357] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2358 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [358] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2420 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [359] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2429 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [360] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2437 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [361] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2450 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [362] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2484 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla drużyn [post_name] => informacje-dla-druzyn [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [363] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2509 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [364] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2519 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Oświadczenie rodziców [post_name] => oswiadczenie-rodzicow [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [365] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2635 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Tezy na XV Zjazd [post_name] => tezy-na-xv-zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [366] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2856 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Harmonogram [post_name] => harmonogram [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [367] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3312 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2013-01-15 ) [368] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3504 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Lista wyróżnionych [post_name] => lista-wyroznionych [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [369] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3510 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Krzyże i ordery [post_name] => krzyzem-i-orderem [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [370] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3702 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Formularz [post_name] => formularz [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [371] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3824 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [372] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3830 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [373] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3884 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Umowa Partnerska [post_name] => umowa-partnerska [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [374] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3994 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Indywidualna karta uczestnika [post_name] => indywidualna-karta-uczestnika [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [375] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4044 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 5 [post_name] => biuletyn-2 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [376] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4344 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-07-10 ) [377] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4380 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [378] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4393 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [379] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4412 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [380] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4417 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [381] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4427 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [382] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4433 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [383] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4733 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [384] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5395 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [385] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5601 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => X Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [386] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5665 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [387] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5974 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Ostrów Wlkp. [post_name] => program-ostrow-wlkp [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [388] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6077 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => XVII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => ims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [389] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6094 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [390] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6096 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [391] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6098 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [392] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6123 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [393] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6125 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [394] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6127 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [395] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6304 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [396] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6207 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => animator-sportu-dzieci-i-mlodziezy [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [397] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6211 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [398] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6308 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [399] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6751 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut z uwagami do zmiany [post_name] => statut-z-uwagami-do-zmiany [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [400] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6768 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Warsztaty Nauczycieli w Narciarstwie Zjazdowym i Snowboardzie [post_name] => warsztaty-nauczycieli-w-narciarstwie-zjazdowym-i-snowboardzie [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [401] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6772 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [402] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6834 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [403] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6872 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Porozumienie partnerskie [post_name] => porozumienie-partnerskie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [404] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6879 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => ISF Pływanie [post_name] => isf-plywanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [405] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6888 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [406] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6898 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [407] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7473 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [408] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7378 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Rachunek zysków i strat [post_name] => rachunek-zyskow-i-strat [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [409] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7490 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [410] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7495 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [411] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7498 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [412] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7531 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora wojewódzkiego [post_name] => lista-operatora-wojewodzkiego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [413] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7550 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-09-01 ) [414] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7703 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [415] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7713 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [416] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7721 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [417] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7938 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [418] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8045 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Opis projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [419] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8503 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy Eduball [post_name] => zestawy-eduball [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [420] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8333 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2016-05-05 ) [421] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8523 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [422] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8541 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [423] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8543 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [424] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8545 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [425] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8567 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [426] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8569 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [427] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8572 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [428] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8634 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [429] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8746 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => PROGRAM [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [430] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8761 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => II edycja [post_name] => ii-edycja [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [431] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14918 [post_parent] => 14916 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [432] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9472 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => założenia projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [433] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9512 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2016-12-02 ) [434] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9656 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2017-01-21 ) [435] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9737 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci-2 [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [436] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10052 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja II [post_name] => edycja-ii [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [437] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10089 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 2. Koszulki [post_name] => 2-koszulki [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [438] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10093 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [439] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10099 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [440] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10248 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [441] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10324 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [442] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10345 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [443] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10347 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [444] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10349 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [445] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10363 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [446] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10450 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 15-16.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-15-16-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [447] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10607 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => arkusz badania [post_name] => arkusz-badania [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [448] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10717 [post_parent] => 10715 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [449] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10836 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [450] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10838 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [451] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10843 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [452] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10898 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => rozliczenie wpłat samorządów [post_name] => rozliczenie-wplat-samorzadow [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [453] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11010 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [454] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11398 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [455] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11488 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [456] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11492 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Opis przedmiotu [post_name] => opis-przedmiotu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [457] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11502 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [458] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11537 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [459] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11559 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [460] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11561 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [461] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11563 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [462] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11710 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikaty organizacyjne [post_name] => komunikat-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [463] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12184 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [464] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12511 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [465] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12543 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [466] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12547 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [467] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12551 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [468] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12647 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [469] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13263 [post_parent] => 13259 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [470] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13273 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [471] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13295 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => regulamin obrad zjazdu [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-zjazdu [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [472] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13435 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Historia [post_name] => historia [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [473] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13441 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 45 lat SZS [post_name] => 45-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [474] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13465 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [475] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13477 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [476] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13485 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [477] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13496 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [478] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13619 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [479] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14040 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => WSC BnO [post_name] => wsc-bno [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [480] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14636 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Organizator Sportu [post_name] => mlodziezowy-organizator-sportu [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [481] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14765 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [482] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15199 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2023 [post_name] => program-sks-2023 [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [483] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15651 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarz IMS - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-ims-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [484] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15956 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XXI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xxi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2024-10-06 ) [485] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 29 [post_parent] => 119 [post_title] => Godziny Pracy Biura [post_name] => wykaz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [486] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 22 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Statut [post_name] => statut [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [487] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 49 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [488] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 52 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [489] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 55 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [490] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 69 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator "Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012" [post_name] => orlik [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [491] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 80 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Pozostałe adresy [post_name] => adresy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [492] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 143 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjum [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [493] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 145 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => szkola-ponadgimnazjalna [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [494] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 185 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [495] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 262 [post_parent] => 13395 [post_title] => Animator SKF [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [496] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 311 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [497] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 326 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [498] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 523 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s ŻMKS [post_name] => komisja-ds-zmks [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [499] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 652 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [500] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 654 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [501] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 656 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [502] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 751 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Komisja Rewizyjna [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [503] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 824 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Grand Prix Wielkopolski [post_name] => grand-prix-wielkopolski [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [504] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1150 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Wysokość składek [post_name] => wysokosc-skladek [date] => 2011-12-07 ) [505] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1328 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Wykaz klubów [post_name] => wykaz-klubow [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [506] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1510 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Lista Animatorów [post_name] => lista-animatorow [date] => 2012-02-21 ) [507] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1718 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Warunki do Rozliczeń [post_name] => warunki-do-rozliczen [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [508] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2057 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [509] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2342 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [510] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2431 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [511] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2439 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [512] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2637 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Projekt umowy partnerskiej [post_name] => projekt-umowy-partnerskiej [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [513] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2848 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Animator - "Biały Orlik" [post_name] => animator-bialy-orlik [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [514] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2858 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [515] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3711 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Wniosek podstawowy [post_name] => wniosek-podstawowy [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [516] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3826 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [517] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3832 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [518] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3968 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => mistrzostwa-swiata-isf [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [519] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4046 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 6 [post_name] => biuletyn-3 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [520] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4172 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2012 [post_name] => edycja-2012 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [521] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4387 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [522] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4395 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [523] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4397 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [524] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4418 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [525] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4435 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [526] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4587 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Mały Mistrz [post_name] => maly-mistrz [date] => 2013-10-07 ) [527] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5789 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => karta-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [528] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5661 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Karta uczestnika [post_name] => karta-uczestnika [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [529] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5976 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Szkolenie lista [post_name] => szkolenie-lista [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [530] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6080 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => g [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [531] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6100 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [532] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6102 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [533] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6104 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [534] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6129 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [535] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6131 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [536] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6133 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [537] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6213 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [538] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6310 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Ankieta [post_name] => ankieta [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [539] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6753 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut w nowym brzmieniu [post_name] => statut-w-nowym-brzmieniu [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [540] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6774 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [541] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6868 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [542] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6874 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [543] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6890 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [544] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7475 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [545] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7380 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Informacja do sprawozdania [post_name] => informacja-do-sprawozdania [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [546] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7484 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [547] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7486 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [548] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7488 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [549] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7705 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [550] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7715 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [551] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7723 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [552] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8047 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [553] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8377 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2016-05-17 ) [554] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8525 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [555] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8555 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [556] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8557 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [557] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8559 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [558] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8565 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [559] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8574 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [560] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8576 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [561] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8578 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [562] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8636 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [563] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8748 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => FORMULARZ ZGŁOSZENIOWY [post_name] => formularz-zgloszeniowy [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [564] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9474 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => formularz zgłoszenia [post_name] => formularz-zgloszenia [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [565] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9924 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 3 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-3 [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [566] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10095 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [567] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10097 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [568] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10250 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [569] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10326 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [570] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10351 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [571] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10353 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [572] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10355 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [573] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10452 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 29-30.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-29-30-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [574] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10609 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => film instruktażowy [post_name] => film-instruktazowy [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [575] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10845 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [576] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10847 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [577] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10849 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [578] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11012 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [579] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11400 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => 11400-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [580] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11494 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Formularz ofertowy [post_name] => formularz-ofertowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [581] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11506 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [582] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11539 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [583] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11566 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [584] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11568 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [585] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11570 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [586] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11700 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [587] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12513 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [588] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12555 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [589] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12557 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [590] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12560 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [591] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13275 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [592] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13297 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [593] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13467 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [594] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13479 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [595] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13492 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [596] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13494 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [597] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13621 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [598] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13985 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => SUKCESY WYBRANYCH KLUBÓW - CZŁONKÓW SZS [post_name] => sukcesy-wybranych-klubow-czlonkow-szs [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [599] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14627 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2022 [post_name] => program-sks-2022 [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [600] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14638 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OK.RUCH! [post_name] => ok-ruch [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [601] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14761 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Summer Games [post_name] => summer-games [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [602] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14767 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [603] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15457 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xx-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [604] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 187 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [605] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1-2 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [606] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 291 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [607] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 313 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [608] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 328 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [609] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3094 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Plan Pracy Zarządu [post_name] => plan-pracy-zarzadu [date] => 2012-12-03 ) [610] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 525 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s szkolenia [post_name] => komisja-ds-szkolenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [611] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2059 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [612] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2259 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [613] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2352 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [614] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2422 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [615] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2452 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Strona Ogólnopolska [post_name] => strona-ogolnopolska [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [616] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2511 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Umowy [post_name] => umowy [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [617] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2607 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Turniej ORLIKA o Puchar Premiera Donalda Tuska [post_name] => turniej-o-puchar-premiera-donalda-tuska [date] => 2012-09-04 ) [618] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2860 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [619] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3527 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Regulamin wydatkowania 1% [post_name] => regulamin-wydatkowania-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [620] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4048 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 7 [post_name] => biuletyn-4 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [621] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4125 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [622] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4272 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem KEN [post_name] => medalem-ken [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [623] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4398 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [624] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5781 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [625] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6082 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => spg [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [626] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6111 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [627] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6113 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [628] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6115 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [629] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6178 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Umowa [post_name] => umowa [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [630] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6233 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2014-08-31 ) [631] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6270 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2014-09-04 ) [632] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6312 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Rachunek [post_name] => rachunek [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [633] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6939 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => lista-zakwalifikowanych [date] => 2015-03-02 ) [634] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7013 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [635] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7477 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [636] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7382 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Bilans [post_name] => bilans [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [637] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7707 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [638] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7711 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [639] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7717 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [640] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8227 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Lista podmiotów realizujących [post_name] => lista-podmiotow-realizujacych [date] => 2016-04-13 ) [641] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8580 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [642] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8582 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [643] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8583 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [644] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8704 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Uchwała [post_name] => uchwala [date] => 2016-09-10 ) [645] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8755 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [646] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14916 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xix-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [647] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9476 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [648] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10026 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 4 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-4 [date] => 2017-04-12 ) [649] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10252 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => lista delegatów [post_name] => lista-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [650] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10328 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [651] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10391 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => instrukcja do dziennika elektronicznego [post_name] => instrukcja-do-dziennika-elektronicznego [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [652] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10454 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 6-7.10 [post_name] => szkolenie-6-7-10 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [653] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10851 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [654] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10853 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [655] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10855 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [656] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11014 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [657] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11403 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [658] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11496 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór umowy [post_name] => wzor-umowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [659] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [660] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11607 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => [post_name] => 1-2 [date] => 2018-09-01 ) [661] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11695 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2018-10-08 ) [662] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11811 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 70 lat SZS [post_name] => 65-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [663] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13278 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [664] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13299 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [665] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13503 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2020-08-31 ) [666] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13623 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Strategia SZS na lata 2020-2024 [post_name] => strategia-szs-na-lata-2020-2024 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [667] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zasady bezpieczeństwa [post_name] => zasady-bezpieczenstwa [date] => 2020-09-27 ) [668] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13971 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2021 [post_name] => program-sks-2021 [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [669] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13991 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „JUVENIA” Puszczykowo [post_name] => mks-juvenia-puszczykowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [670] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14071 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2021-05-24 ) [671] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 60 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [672] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 189 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [673] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 293 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [674] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 302 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wielkopolski Turniej Orlika [post_name] => turniej-orlika-2011 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [675] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 316 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [676] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 330 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [677] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 834 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [678] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 879 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pływanie Drużynowe [post_name] => plywanie-druzynowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [679] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3493 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 60 lat SZS [post_name] => 60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [680] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3529 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [681] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3611 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [682] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3614 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [683] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3714 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Medal 60 lat SZS w Wielkopolsce [post_name] => medal-60-lat-szs-wielkopolska [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [684] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4040 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [685] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4050 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 8 [post_name] => biuletyn-5 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [686] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4142 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [687] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4274 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia ZG SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-zg-szs [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [688] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5399 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [689] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8169 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [690] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5787 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Podręcznik [post_name] => podrecznik [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [691] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5960 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program "Mały Mistrz" [post_name] => program-maly-mistrz-2 [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [692] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6086 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloszenie-do-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [693] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6273 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Dokumenty [post_name] => dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-05 ) [694] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6314 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Test [post_name] => test [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [695] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6900 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [696] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7015 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Rachunki [post_name] => rachunki [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [697] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7021 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2015-03-17 ) [698] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7479 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [699] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7384 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [700] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8051 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [701] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8679 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kalendarze do druku [post_name] => kalendarze-do-druku [date] => 2016-09-06 ) [702] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8994 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2016-11-02 ) [703] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9478 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista zgłoszonych jednostek [post_name] => lista-zgloszonych-jednostek [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [704] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9729 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => imprezy-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [705] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10049 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [706] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10319 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [707] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11016 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [708] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11405 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [709] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11498 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór nadruku [post_name] => wzor-nadruku [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [710] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11543 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [711] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13259 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2020 [post_name] => program-sks-2020 [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [712] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13301 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [713] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13994 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „DĄBRÓWKA” Poznań [post_name] => mks-dabrowka-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [714] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14278 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xviii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [715] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 57 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [716] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 119 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biuro [post_name] => biuro-3 [date] => 2011-08-08 ) [717] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 191 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [718] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 304 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Ferie na Orlikach [post_name] => ferie-na-orlikach [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [719] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 318 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [720] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 782 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zagrajmy o Sukces [post_name] => zagrajmy-o-sukces [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [721] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3256 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Deklaracja członkowska [post_name] => deklaracja-czlonkowska [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [722] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 925 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie do 200zł [post_name] => umowa-ponizej-200-zl [date] => 2011-11-18 ) [723] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3500 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [724] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3966 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie częściowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [725] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4052 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 9 [post_name] => biuletyn-6 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [726] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4145 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [727] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4276 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem PKOl [post_name] => medalem-pkol [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [728] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4372 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloeszenie-do-wims [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [729] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4376 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [730] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4560 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program MULTISPORT [post_name] => program-multisport [date] => 2013-09-27 ) [731] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6084 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [732] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6316 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Umowa zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [733] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6903 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [734] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7481 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [735] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11018 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [736] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11407 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Delegaci Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => delegaci-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [737] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12640 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2019 [post_name] => program-sks-2019 [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [738] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12663 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2019-10-01 ) [739] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13303 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (kluby) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-kluby [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [740] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13997 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS Malta Poznań [post_name] => mks-malta-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [741] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 193 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => druk-treningow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [742] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 258 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pożytek Publiczny [post_name] => pozytek-publiczny [date] => 2011-08-22 ) [743] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 320 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [744] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1415 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie dla Animatorów Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-dla-animatorow-moje-boisko-orlik-2012 [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [745] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3261 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [746] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4054 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 10 [post_name] => biuletyn-7 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [747] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4064 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [748] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4278 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem zbiorowym za zasługi w sporcie szkolnym [post_name] => medalem-zbiorowym-za-zaslugi-w-sporcie-szkolnym [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [749] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4616 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XV WIMS [post_name] => xv-wims [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [750] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5785 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [751] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6905 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [752] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6914 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [753] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7935 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [754] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11020 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umów [post_name] => rozliczanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [755] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11409 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Lista członków zwyczajnych [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [756] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11484 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2018 [post_name] => program-sks-2018 [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [757] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11988 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [758] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13305 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (stowarzyszenia) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [759] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MKS” Słupca [post_name] => uks-mks-slupca [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [760] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 196 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [761] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 322 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [762] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3004 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XIV WIMS [post_name] => xiv-wims [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [763] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4280 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem za zasługi w rozwój sportu szkolnego [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi-w-rozwoj-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [764] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5650 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => III Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => iii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2014-03-18 ) [765] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5978 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zamówienia [post_name] => zamowienia-publ [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [766] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6186 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => test-sprawnosciowy [date] => 2014-07-23 ) [767] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6572 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Protokół zdawczo-odbiorczy [post_name] => protokol-zdawczo-odbiorczy [date] => 2014-11-07 ) [768] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8456 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [769] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10085 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2017 [post_name] => program-sks [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [770] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10394 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista wypłat nauczycieli [post_name] => lista-wyplat-nauczycieli [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [771] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10715 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xv-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [772] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11022 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [773] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11411 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Protokół komisji skrutacyjnej [post_name] => protokol-komisji-skrutacyjnej [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [774] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13307 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [775] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14759 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-12 ) [776] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14769 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [777] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 152 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kontakt [post_name] => kontakt [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [778] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 272 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Rozliczenie zawodów [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [779] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1020 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2011-11-23 ) [780] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1835 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Pływanie kluczem do sukcesu [post_name] => plywanie-kluczem-do-sukcesu [date] => 2012-05-09 ) [781] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2569 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Cykl szkoleń "Człowiek wobec uzależnień" [post_name] => szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-31 ) [782] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6892 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Komitet Honorowy [post_name] => komitet-honorowy [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [783] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8309 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Junior Sport [post_name] => junior-sport [date] => 2016-05-01 ) [784] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9564 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => 9564-2 [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [785] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9902 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgoda rodziców [post_name] => zgoda-rodzicow [date] => 2017-03-20 ) [786] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9928 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [787] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9947 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2017-03-30 ) [788] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9972 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-04-03 ) [789] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11024 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [790] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11413 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => 65 Lat - wniosek [post_name] => 65-lat-wniosek [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [791] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13269 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Serbia 2021 [post_name] => serbia-2021 [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [792] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14002 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „VICTORIA” Gułtowy [post_name] => uks-victoria-gultowy [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [793] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14044 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [794] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 289 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie powyżej 200zł [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [795] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 810 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [796] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2266 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Zjazd Absolwentów AWF `82 [post_name] => zjazd82 [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [797] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3817 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo UMWW [post_name] => logo-umww [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [798] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4067 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2013-05-08 ) [799] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8166 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [800] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4746 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Inauguracja [post_name] => inauguracja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [801] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5956 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => MultiSport [post_name] => zamowienia-publiczne [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [802] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6770 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [803] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6823 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2014 [post_name] => multisport-2014 [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [804] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6907 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Skład reprentacji [post_name] => sklad-reprentacji [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [805] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8041 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program Junior Sport [post_name] => program-junior-sport [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [806] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8742 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => WARSZTATY-AEROBIK [post_name] => warsztaty-aerobik [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [807] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9468 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2017 [post_name] => szkolny-klub-sportowy [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [808] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9926 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Dokumenty do pobrania [post_name] => dokumenty-do-pobrania [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [809] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10083 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2017-05-05 ) [810] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10435 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => testy sprawnościowe [post_name] => testy-sprawnosciowe [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [811] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11472 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Estonia 2019 [post_name] => estonia-2019 [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [812] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11518 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-27 ) [813] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11521 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wybór oferty [post_name] => wybor-oferty [date] => 2018-07-30 ) [814] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11675 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2018-10-06 ) [815] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11809 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Księga znaku [post_name] => ksiega-znaku [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [816] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12180 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [817] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12507 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2018/2019 [post_name] => 2018-2019 [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [818] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14004 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Tenisa Stołowego „RATAJE 50” Poznań [post_name] => szkolny-klub-tenisa-stolowego-rataje-50-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [819] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14372 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Deklaracja dostępności [post_name] => deklaracja-dostepnosci [date] => 2022-03-20 ) [820] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2448 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Szkolenie Animatorów i Wolontariuszy Sportu Szkolnego - Żerków 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-animatorow-i-wolontariuszy-sportu-szkolnego-zerkow-2012 [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [821] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3819 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo MSiT [post_name] => logo-msit [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [822] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4735 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Znaczenie aktywności ruchowej [post_name] => znaczenie-aktywnosci-ruchowej [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [823] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6909 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [824] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9541 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Włochy 2017 [post_name] => wlochy-2017 [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [825] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9712 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Protokół wypadkowy [post_name] => protokol-wypadkowy [date] => 2017-02-18 ) [826] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10446 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => cykl szkoleń Żerków [post_name] => cykl-szkolen-zerkow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [827] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10894 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => rozliczenie projektu [post_name] => rozliczenie-projektu [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [828] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11533 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2017/2018 [post_name] => 2017-2018 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [829] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13615 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXIII Walny Sprawozdawczo-Wyborczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxiii-walny-sprawozdawczo-wyborczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [830] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „GONIEC” Kostrzyn [post_name] => uks-goniec-kostrzyn [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [831] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3606 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Oferta warsztatów edukacyjnych dla szkół [post_name] => oferta-warsztatow-edukacyjnych-dla-szkol [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [832] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4737 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Edukacja zintegrowana a edukacja fizyczna [post_name] => edukacja-zintegrowana-a-edukacja-fizyczna [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [833] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6894 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Turcja 2015 [post_name] => turcja-2015 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [834] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7224 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2015 - 2016 [post_name] => lista-szkol-2015-2016 [date] => 2015-05-06 ) [835] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10998 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty [post_name] => projekty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [836] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13290 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXII Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxii-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [837] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „SPRINT” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-sprint-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [838] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3717 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Portugalia 2013 [post_name] => isf-portugalia [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [839] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4739 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Sprawny Dolnoślązaczek [post_name] => sprawny-dolnoslazaczek [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [840] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5659 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => 14 Ogólnopolski Zlot Młodzieżowych Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => 14-ogolnopolski-zlot-mlodziezowych-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [841] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5968 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2014 - 2015 [post_name] => lista-szkol [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [842] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10306 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2016/2017 [post_name] => 20162017-2 [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [843] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11389 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów -2018 [post_name] => xx-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2018 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [844] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14010 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MUKS” Poznań [post_name] => uks-muks-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [845] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8519 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2015/2016 [post_name] => 20152016-2 [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [846] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10244 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XIX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xix-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [847] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3987 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zlot [post_name] => zlot [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [848] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4686 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Praca z dzieckiem z rodziny z problemem alkoholu [post_name] => praca-z-dzieckiem-z-rodziny-z-problemem-alkoholu [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [849] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5970 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [850] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7469 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2014/2015 [post_name] => 20142015-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [851] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8591 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Zlot Organizatorów Sportu Szkolnego [post_name] => zlot-organizatorow-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [852] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8630 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVIII Walny Zjazd Delegatów 2016 [post_name] => xviii-walny-zjazd-delegatow-2016 [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [853] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3263 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => II Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => ii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [854] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6067 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2013/2014 [post_name] => 20132014-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [855] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8450 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVII Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvii-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [856] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5582 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty 2013 [post_name] => projekty-2013 [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [857] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6683 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Nadzwyczajny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => nadzwyczajny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-01-20 ) [858] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4367 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2012/2013 [post_name] => 20122013-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [859] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7374 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVI Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvi-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [860] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LKO – Leszczyński Klub Orienteeringu [post_name] => lko-leszczynski-klub-orienteeringu [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [861] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2050 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2011/2012 [post_name] => 2011-2012 [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [862] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2628 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XV Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [863] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4116 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Polityka prywatności [post_name] => cookies [date] => 2017-12-15 ) [864] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7027 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Archiwum [post_name] => archiwum [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [865] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10538 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sejmik Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => sejmik-szkolnej-kultury-fizycznej [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [866] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11478 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => lista wyróżnionych medalem 65 lat [post_name] => 11478-2 [date] => 2018-07-18 ) [867] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10540 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krajowe Szkolenie dla Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => krajowe-szkolenie-dla-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [868] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Uczniowski Klub Łuczniczy „LEŚNIK” Poznań [post_name] => uczniowski-klub-luczniczy-lesnik-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [869] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14017 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ATLAS” Tarnowo Podgórne [post_name] => uks-atlas-tarnowo-podgorne [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [870] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14019 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZAPASY” (do 2018 r. GRUNWALD) Plewiska [post_name] => uks-zapasy-do-2018-r-grunwald-plewiska [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [871] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14021 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „AS” Czempiń [post_name] => uks-as-czempin [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [872] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14023 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BUKOS - Belęciński Uczniowski Klub Orientacji Sportowej [post_name] => bukos-belecinski-uczniowski-klub-orientacji-sportowej [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [873] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14025 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ARKADY” Raszków [post_name] => uks-arkady-raszkow [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [874] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14027 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „DELFIN” Kłecko [post_name] => uks-delfin-klecko [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [875] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MUKS „CZARNI” przy ZSP nr 1 w Kępnie [post_name] => muks-czarni-przy-zsp-nr-1-w-kepnie [date] => 2021-05-11 ) ) AUTOEXPAND Array ( )
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Animator SKF
Projekty Wspierane
  • MySQL server version: 5.7.28-31-log collapsPage options: Array ( [title] => Projekty Wspierane [sortOrder] => ASC [sort] => menuOrder [defaultExpand] => [expand] => 4 [depth] => -1 [inExcludePage] => include [linkToPage] => [inExcludePages] => 11474, 11006 [showPosts] => [animate] => 1 [postTitleLength] => 0 [useCookies] => 1 [debug] => 1 [customExpand] => [customCollapse] => [expandWidget] => 1 ) PAGE QUERY: SELECT wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_parent, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_name, date(wp_posts.post_date) as 'date' FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_status='publish' AND post_name NOT IN ('') AND wp_posts.post_type='page' ORDER BY wp_posts.menu_order ASC PAGE QUERY RESULTS Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 505 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => stowarzyszenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 373 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Sportu [post_name] => animator-2 [date] => 2011-08-30 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2955 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 451 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 460 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 741 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Zarząd [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 544 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 554 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 558 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 28 [post_name] => pit-28 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 626 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 628 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 630 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 836 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 759 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Związek [post_name] => zwiazek-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Przekaż nam swój 1,5% [post_name] => przekaz-nam-swoj-1 [date] => 2012-01-09 ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 818 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 838 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 840 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 889 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Programy Szkoleń Kadr Sportowych [post_name] => programy-szkolen-kadr-sportowych [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 891 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Badminton [post_name] => badminton [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1375 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1297 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Organizacja Pracy [post_name] => organizacja-pracy [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1309 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Władze Związku [post_name] => wladze-zwiazku [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1356 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1358 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1361 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1363 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1365 [post_parent] => 302 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1367 [post_parent] => 304 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1369 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1371 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1373 [post_parent] => 986 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1394 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => szachy-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1400 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - IMS [post_name] => szachy-sp [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1405 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowy Tenis Stołowy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => dts-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1709 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Założenia Ogólne [post_name] => zalozenia-ogolne [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Koszykówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => koszykowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [37] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1936 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1992 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [39] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1987 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [40] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Unihokej Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => unihokej-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [41] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowe Szachy - Licealiada [post_name] => druzynowe-szachy-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [42] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2020 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [43] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2026 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Chłopców - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-chlopcow-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [44] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2032 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Dziewcząt - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-dziewczat-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [45] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2160 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Plażowa Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => plazowa-pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-06-18 ) [46] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2415 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa-szkol-podstawowych [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [47] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2335 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [48] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2344 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [49] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2354 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [50] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2425 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [51] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2433 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [52] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2489 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [53] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2493 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zasady organizacji i rozliczenia [post_name] => zasady-organizacji-i-rozliczenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [54] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2515 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [55] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2630 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Porządek obrad (projekt) [post_name] => porzadek-obrad-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [56] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2674 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Umowy na Eliminacje Wojewódzkie [post_name] => umowy-na-eliminacje-wojewodzkie [date] => 2012-09-18 ) [57] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2852 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Założenia Programowe [post_name] => zalozenia-programowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [58] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2892 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2004-2008 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2004-2008 [date] => 2012-11-14 ) [59] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2903 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zdzisław Urbańczyk [post_name] => zdzislaw-urbanczyk [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [60] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2907 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Mirosław Dębowski [post_name] => miroslaw-debowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [61] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2914 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zbigniew Kosmalski [post_name] => zbigniew-kosmalski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [62] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2916 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wojciech Ziemniak [post_name] => wojciech-ziemniak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [63] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2920 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Marek Szczepanowski [post_name] => marek-szczepanowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [64] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2922 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jerzy Kerger [post_name] => jerzy-kerger [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [65] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2924 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Adam Kłodnicki [post_name] => adam-klodnicki [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [66] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krzysztof Mądry [post_name] => krzysztof-madry [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [67] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2929 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Edward Dereszewski [post_name] => edward-dereszewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [68] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Roman Wiśniewski [post_name] => roman-wisniewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [69] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2933 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wiesław Nowak [post_name] => wieslaw-nowak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [70] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2938 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2008-2012 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2008-2012 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [71] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [72] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3014 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja – Galeria [post_name] => 13-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [73] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [74] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3024 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [75] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3477 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [76] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3495 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => List do struktur [post_name] => list-do-struktur [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [77] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3502 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Warunki i tryb ubiegania się o wyróżnienia [post_name] => warunki-i-tryb-ubiegania-sie-o-wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [78] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3506 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [79] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3608 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Informacja ogólna [post_name] => informacja-ogolna [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [80] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3851 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Renata Wolska [post_name] => renata-wolska [date] => 2013-03-28 ) [81] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3768 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - szkolne [post_name] => lista-szkolne [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [82] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3812 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo SZS [post_name] => logo-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [83] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3816 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo 65 lat SZS [post_name] => logo-60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [84] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3989 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Pismo [post_name] => pismo [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [85] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4017 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [86] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4042 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 4 [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [87] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4168 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [88] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4179 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2013 [post_name] => edycja-2013 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [89] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4183 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty dla uczniów "Wolni od nałogów" [post_name] => warsztaty-dla-uczniow-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [90] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4261 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Indywidualne [post_name] => indywidualne [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [91] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4383 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [92] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4389 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [93] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4400 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [94] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4413 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [95] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4421 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [96] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4429 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [97] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4567 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Spotkania świetlicowe naszą szansą na sukces [post_name] => spotkania-swietlicowe-nasza-szansa-na-sukces [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [98] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4569 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Bezpieczni i wolni od nałogów [post_name] => bezpieczni-i-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [99] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4619 [post_parent] => 4344 [post_title] => Spotkanie okolicznościowe 60-lecia SZS [post_name] => spotkanie-okolicznosciowe-60-lecia-szs [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [100] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4624 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe [post_name] => 14-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [101] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4644 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja [post_name] => 14-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [102] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4647 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne [post_name] => 14-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [103] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4688 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [104] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4741 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Stop zwolnieniom z WF-u [post_name] => stop-zwolnieniom-z-wf-u [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [105] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5204 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-gim [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [106] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5206 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy SPG [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-spg [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [107] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5208 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => DRUŻYNOWE MISTRZOSTWA W SZACHACH SP [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-sp [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [108] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5193 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-gim [date] => 2014-01-13 ) [109] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6135 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [110] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5388 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [111] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5598 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => XI Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => xi-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [112] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6929 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-03-01 ) [113] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6139 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [114] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6712 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Szkół Podstawowych [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-sp [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [115] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6714 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Licealiady [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-spg [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [116] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6785 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2015-02-04 ) [117] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => WIMS [post_name] => wims [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [118] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7888 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gala GRAND PRIX 2015 [post_name] => gala-grand-prix-2015 [date] => 2015-12-02 ) [119] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8285 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BIEGACZE ZS Nr 1 w OSTRZESZOWIE PONOWNIE NAJLEPSI W POLSCE!!! [post_name] => biegacze-zs-nr-1-w-ostrzeszowie-ponownie-najlepsi-w-polsce [date] => 2016-04-27 ) [120] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8403 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LISTA SZKÓŁ ZGŁOSZONYCH DO PROGRAMU MAŁY MISTRZ [post_name] => lista-szkol-zgloszonych-do-programu-maly-mistrz [date] => 2016-05-28 ) [121] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8547 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVIII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xviii-wims [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [122] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8982 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016-2 [date] => 2016-10-30 ) [123] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jarosław Graczyk [post_name] => jaroslaw-graczyk [date] => 2016-11-30 ) [124] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9826 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => podsumowanie [post_name] => podsumowanie [date] => 2017-03-02 ) [125] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10359 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [126] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10384 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XIX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xix-wims [date] => 2017-08-22 ) [127] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10781 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2018 [post_name] => sks-2018 [date] => 2017-12-17 ) [128] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11474 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => ISF [post_name] => isf [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [129] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11476 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Biegi na orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [130] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11535 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xx-wims [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [131] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12638 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [132] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13062 [post_parent] => 12663 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2020-02-15 ) [133] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13375 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2019/2020 [post_name] => 2019-2020 [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [134] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13387 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie Dzieci i Młodzieży Sportowo Uzdolnionej [post_name] => smsu [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13395 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [136] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxii-wims [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [137] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13973 [post_parent] => 13971 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [138] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14064 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „Czwórka” przy SP nr 4 w Koninie [post_name] => uks-czworka-przy-sp-nr-4-w-koninie [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [139] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14066 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZRYW” Przykona [post_name] => uks-zryw-przykona [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [140] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14113 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2016-2021 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2016-2021 [date] => 2021-07-16 ) [141] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14280 [post_parent] => 14278 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [142] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15352 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => AKTYWNA SZKOŁA [post_name] => aktywna-szkola [date] => 2023-07-05 ) [143] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15459 [post_parent] => 15457 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [144] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-02 ) [145] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15786 [post_parent] => 15787 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [146] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => STANDARDY OCHRONY MAŁOLETNICH [post_name] => standardy-ochrony-maloletnich [date] => 2024-08-15 ) [147] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków UMWW [post_name] => smsu-umww [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [148] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 18 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Członkowie SZS [post_name] => czlonkowie [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [149] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 24 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [150] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1712 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Regulamin Komisji Szkoleniowej [post_name] => regulamin-komisji-szkoleniowej [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [151] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 32 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [152] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 34 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [153] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 37 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [154] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 63 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => asdim [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [155] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 74 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Dane teleadresowe [post_name] => dane [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [156] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 181 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [157] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 141 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => szkola-podstawowa [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [158] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 224 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [159] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 226 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [160] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 260 [post_parent] => 258 [post_title] => Ogłoszenia, sprawozdania [post_name] => ogloszenia [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [161] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 270 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => lista-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [162] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 276 [post_parent] => 2259 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [163] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 280 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [164] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 285 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zasady rozliczeń [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [165] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 447 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Komisje [post_name] => komisje [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [166] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 455 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [167] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 458 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Skład Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [168] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 517 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja odwoławcza [post_name] => komisja-odwolawcza [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [169] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 547 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [170] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 556 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [171] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 560 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 36 [post_name] => pit-36 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [172] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 590 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Wielkopolska [post_name] => wielkopolska [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [173] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 640 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [174] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 642 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [175] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 644 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [176] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 745 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [177] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3354 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Partnerzy [post_name] => partnerzy [date] => 2013-01-31 ) [178] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 883 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Lekkoatletyka SPG [post_name] => lekkoatletyka-spg [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [179] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 886 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sztafetowe Biegi Przełajowe [post_name] => sztafetowe-biegi-przelajowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [180] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1419 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [181] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2053 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Informacje Ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [182] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2303 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => I tura zajęć [post_name] => i-tura-zajec [date] => 2012-08-09 ) [183] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2337 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [184] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2346 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [185] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2356 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [186] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2417 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [187] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2427 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [188] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2435 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [189] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2441 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [190] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2464 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla Animatora [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [191] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2495 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [192] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2517 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Lista startowa [post_name] => lista-startowa [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [193] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2632 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów XV Walnego Zjazdu Delegatów (projekt) [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow-xv-walnego-zjazdu-delegatow-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [194] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2854 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [195] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3020 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe I [post_name] => prezentacja-1 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [196] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3022 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe II [post_name] => prezentacja-2 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [197] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3481 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [198] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3498 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Kalendarz obchodów [post_name] => kalendarz-obchodow [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [199] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3508 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Odznaką MSiT [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [200] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3708 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Skład Komisji [post_name] => sklad-komisji [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [201] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3770 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - select [post_name] => lista-select [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [202] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3822 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [203] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3828 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [204] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3887 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Lista Partnerów [post_name] => lista-partnerow [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [205] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3992 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia szkoły [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia-szkoly [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [206] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4020 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [207] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4263 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Zbiorowe [post_name] => zbiorowy-instytucje [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [208] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4366 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [209] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4385 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [210] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4391 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [211] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4408 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [212] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4415 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [213] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4423 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [214] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4431 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [215] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4690 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [216] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4731 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [217] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4966 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Mapka dojazdu [post_name] => mapka-dojazdu [date] => 2013-12-11 ) [218] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5392 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [219] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5663 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Pismo do województw [post_name] => pismo-do-wojewodztw [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [220] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5958 [post_parent] => 5978 [post_title] => Przetargi [post_name] => przetargi [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [221] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5972 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Dopiewo [post_name] => program-dopiewo [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [222] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6073 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [223] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6088 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [224] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6090 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [225] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6092 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [226] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6117 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [227] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6119 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [228] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6121 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [229] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6182 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [230] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6209 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [231] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6921 [post_parent] => 6233 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [232] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6299 [post_parent] => 6879 [post_title] => Poznań 2015 [post_name] => isf-plywanie-2015 [date] => 2014-09-10 ) [233] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6306 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [234] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6322 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-09-21 ) [235] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6749 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad NWZD [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-nwzd [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [236] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6827 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [237] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6870 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [238] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6884 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [239] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6896 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [240] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7471 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Regulamin ogólny XVI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [241] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7376 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [242] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7501 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [243] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7507 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [244] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7509 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [245] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7529 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora krajowego [post_name] => lista-operatora-krajowego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [246] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7604 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => System Rejestracji Szkół [post_name] => system-rejestracji-szkol [date] => 2015-09-16 ) [247] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7675 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2016-Projekt [post_name] => multisport-2016-projekt [date] => 2015-10-18 ) [248] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7696 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [249] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7699 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [250] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7701 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [251] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7709 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [252] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7719 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [253] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7937 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [254] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8043 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [255] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8363 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2016-05-11 ) [256] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8453 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [257] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8491 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => I edycja [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia-i-edycja [date] => 2016-06-23 ) [258] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8501 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy startowe i uzupełniające [post_name] => zestawy-startowe-i-uzupelniajace [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [259] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8521 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => XVIII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => xvii-igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [260] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8527 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [261] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8530 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [262] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8532 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [263] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8561 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [264] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8563 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [265] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8593 [post_parent] => 8591 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [266] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8632 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [267] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8744 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => ZAPROSZENIE [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [268] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9470 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [269] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9540 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [270] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9571 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [271] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9573 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [272] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9731 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [273] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10048 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja I [post_name] => edycja-i [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [274] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10087 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 1. Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => 1-sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [275] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10091 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [276] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10101 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [277] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10388 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => kontakt [post_name] => kontakty [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [278] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10246 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [279] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10322 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [280] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10330 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [281] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10332 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [282] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10334 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [283] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10361 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [284] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10448 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 8-9.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-8-9-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [285] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10460 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => instrukcja przeprowadzenia testów [post_name] => instrukcja-przeprowadzenia-testow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [286] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10830 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [287] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10832 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [288] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10834 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [289] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10896 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [290] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OZSSON [post_name] => ozsson [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [291] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11008 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [292] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11396 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [293] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11486 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [294] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11490 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [295] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11500 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [296] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11548 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [297] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11553 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [298] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11557 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [299] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11708 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Eliminacje [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [300] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11727 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Hejnał i marsz SZS [post_name] => hejnal-i-marsz [date] => 2018-10-14 ) [301] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11815 [post_parent] => 11811 [post_title] => Logo 70 Lat SZS [post_name] => logo-70-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [302] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11991 [post_parent] => 11988 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [303] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12182 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [304] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12280 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => II Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => ii-warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [305] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12282 [post_parent] => 12280 [post_title] => komunikat organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [306] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12509 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [307] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12524 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [308] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12533 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [309] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12535 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [310] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxi-wims [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [311] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12636 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [312] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12645 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [313] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13292 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [314] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13439 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 25 lat SZS [post_name] => 25-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [315] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13463 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [316] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13469 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [317] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13481 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [318] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13488 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [319] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13617 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [320] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13986 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ORKAN” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-orkan-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [321] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14042 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Sport Games U15 [post_name] => sport-games-u15 [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [322] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14046 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [323] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14629 [post_parent] => 14627 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [324] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14634 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Sędzia Sportowy [post_name] => mlodziezowy-sedzia-sportowy [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [325] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14763 [post_parent] => 14761 [post_title] => Normandia 2022 [post_name] => normandia-2022 [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [326] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15201 [post_parent] => 15199 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [327] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15646 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarze - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-id-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [328] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15787 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2024 [post_name] => program-sks-2024 [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [329] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 27 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Druki [post_name] => druki [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [330] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 40 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [331] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 43 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [332] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 46 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [333] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 66 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Osób Niepełnosprawnych [post_name] => ason [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [334] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 77 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Konto SZS [post_name] => konto [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [335] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 183 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [336] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 264 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków PP [post_name] => program-smsu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [337] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 282 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [338] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 287 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Tabela podatkowa [post_name] => tabela-podatkowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [339] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 309 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [340] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 324 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [341] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 449 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [342] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 453 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Skład Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [343] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 509 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [344] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 521 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s współzawodnictwa [post_name] => komisja-ds-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [345] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 549 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [346] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 562 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 37 [post_name] => pit-37 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [347] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 646 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [348] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 648 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [349] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 650 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [350] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 821 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biegi na Orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [351] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1417 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [352] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1715 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Składki Członkowskie [post_name] => skladki-czlonkowskie [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [353] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2055 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [354] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2319 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => wims [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [355] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2339 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [356] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2348 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [357] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2358 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [358] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2420 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [359] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2429 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [360] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2437 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [361] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2450 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [362] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2484 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla drużyn [post_name] => informacje-dla-druzyn [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [363] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2509 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [364] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2519 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Oświadczenie rodziców [post_name] => oswiadczenie-rodzicow [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [365] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2635 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Tezy na XV Zjazd [post_name] => tezy-na-xv-zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [366] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2856 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Harmonogram [post_name] => harmonogram [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [367] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3312 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2013-01-15 ) [368] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3504 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Lista wyróżnionych [post_name] => lista-wyroznionych [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [369] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3510 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Krzyże i ordery [post_name] => krzyzem-i-orderem [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [370] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3702 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Formularz [post_name] => formularz [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [371] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3824 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [372] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3830 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [373] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3884 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Umowa Partnerska [post_name] => umowa-partnerska [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [374] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3994 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Indywidualna karta uczestnika [post_name] => indywidualna-karta-uczestnika [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [375] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4044 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 5 [post_name] => biuletyn-2 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [376] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4344 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-07-10 ) [377] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4380 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [378] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4393 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [379] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4412 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [380] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4417 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [381] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4427 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [382] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4433 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [383] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4733 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [384] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5395 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [385] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5601 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => X Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [386] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5665 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [387] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5974 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Ostrów Wlkp. [post_name] => program-ostrow-wlkp [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [388] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6077 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => XVII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => ims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [389] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6094 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [390] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6096 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [391] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6098 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [392] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6123 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [393] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6125 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [394] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6127 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [395] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6304 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [396] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6207 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => animator-sportu-dzieci-i-mlodziezy [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [397] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6211 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [398] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6308 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [399] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6751 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut z uwagami do zmiany [post_name] => statut-z-uwagami-do-zmiany [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [400] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6768 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Warsztaty Nauczycieli w Narciarstwie Zjazdowym i Snowboardzie [post_name] => warsztaty-nauczycieli-w-narciarstwie-zjazdowym-i-snowboardzie [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [401] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6772 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [402] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6834 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [403] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6872 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Porozumienie partnerskie [post_name] => porozumienie-partnerskie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [404] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6879 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => ISF Pływanie [post_name] => isf-plywanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [405] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6888 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [406] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6898 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [407] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7473 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [408] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7378 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Rachunek zysków i strat [post_name] => rachunek-zyskow-i-strat [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [409] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7490 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [410] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7495 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [411] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7498 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [412] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7531 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora wojewódzkiego [post_name] => lista-operatora-wojewodzkiego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [413] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7550 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-09-01 ) [414] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7703 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [415] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7713 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [416] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7721 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [417] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7938 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [418] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8045 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Opis projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [419] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8503 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy Eduball [post_name] => zestawy-eduball [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [420] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8333 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2016-05-05 ) [421] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8523 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [422] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8541 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [423] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8543 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [424] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8545 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [425] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8567 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [426] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8569 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [427] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8572 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [428] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8634 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [429] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8746 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => PROGRAM [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [430] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8761 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => II edycja [post_name] => ii-edycja [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [431] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14918 [post_parent] => 14916 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [432] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9472 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => założenia projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [433] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9512 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2016-12-02 ) [434] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9656 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2017-01-21 ) [435] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9737 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci-2 [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [436] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10052 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja II [post_name] => edycja-ii [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [437] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10089 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 2. Koszulki [post_name] => 2-koszulki [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [438] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10093 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [439] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10099 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [440] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10248 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [441] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10324 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [442] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10345 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [443] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10347 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [444] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10349 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [445] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10363 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [446] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10450 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 15-16.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-15-16-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [447] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10607 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => arkusz badania [post_name] => arkusz-badania [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [448] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10717 [post_parent] => 10715 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [449] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10836 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [450] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10838 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [451] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10843 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [452] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10898 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => rozliczenie wpłat samorządów [post_name] => rozliczenie-wplat-samorzadow [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [453] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11010 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [454] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11398 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [455] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11488 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [456] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11492 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Opis przedmiotu [post_name] => opis-przedmiotu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [457] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11502 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [458] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11537 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [459] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11559 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [460] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11561 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [461] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11563 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [462] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11710 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikaty organizacyjne [post_name] => komunikat-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [463] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12184 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [464] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12511 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [465] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12543 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [466] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12547 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [467] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12551 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [468] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12647 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [469] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13263 [post_parent] => 13259 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [470] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13273 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [471] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13295 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => regulamin obrad zjazdu [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-zjazdu [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [472] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13435 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Historia [post_name] => historia [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [473] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13441 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 45 lat SZS [post_name] => 45-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [474] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13465 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [475] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13477 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [476] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13485 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [477] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13496 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [478] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13619 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [479] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14040 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => WSC BnO [post_name] => wsc-bno [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [480] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14636 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Organizator Sportu [post_name] => mlodziezowy-organizator-sportu [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [481] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14765 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [482] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15199 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2023 [post_name] => program-sks-2023 [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [483] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15651 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarz IMS - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-ims-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [484] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15956 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XXI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xxi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2024-10-06 ) [485] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 29 [post_parent] => 119 [post_title] => Godziny Pracy Biura [post_name] => wykaz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [486] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 22 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Statut [post_name] => statut [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [487] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 49 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [488] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 52 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [489] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 55 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [490] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 69 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator "Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012" [post_name] => orlik [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [491] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 80 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Pozostałe adresy [post_name] => adresy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [492] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 143 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjum [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [493] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 145 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => szkola-ponadgimnazjalna [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [494] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 185 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [495] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 262 [post_parent] => 13395 [post_title] => Animator SKF [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [496] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 311 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [497] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 326 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [498] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 523 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s ŻMKS [post_name] => komisja-ds-zmks [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [499] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 652 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [500] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 654 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [501] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 656 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [502] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 751 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Komisja Rewizyjna [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [503] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 824 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Grand Prix Wielkopolski [post_name] => grand-prix-wielkopolski [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [504] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1150 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Wysokość składek [post_name] => wysokosc-skladek [date] => 2011-12-07 ) [505] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1328 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Wykaz klubów [post_name] => wykaz-klubow [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [506] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1510 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Lista Animatorów [post_name] => lista-animatorow [date] => 2012-02-21 ) [507] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1718 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Warunki do Rozliczeń [post_name] => warunki-do-rozliczen [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [508] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2057 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [509] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2342 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [510] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2431 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [511] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2439 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [512] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2637 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Projekt umowy partnerskiej [post_name] => projekt-umowy-partnerskiej [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [513] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2848 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Animator - "Biały Orlik" [post_name] => animator-bialy-orlik [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [514] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2858 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [515] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3711 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Wniosek podstawowy [post_name] => wniosek-podstawowy [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [516] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3826 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [517] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3832 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [518] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3968 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => mistrzostwa-swiata-isf [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [519] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4046 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 6 [post_name] => biuletyn-3 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [520] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4172 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2012 [post_name] => edycja-2012 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [521] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4387 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [522] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4395 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [523] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4397 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [524] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4418 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [525] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4435 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [526] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4587 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Mały Mistrz [post_name] => maly-mistrz [date] => 2013-10-07 ) [527] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5789 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => karta-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [528] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5661 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Karta uczestnika [post_name] => karta-uczestnika [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [529] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5976 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Szkolenie lista [post_name] => szkolenie-lista [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [530] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6080 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => g [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [531] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6100 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [532] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6102 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [533] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6104 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [534] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6129 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [535] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6131 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [536] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6133 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [537] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6213 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [538] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6310 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Ankieta [post_name] => ankieta [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [539] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6753 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut w nowym brzmieniu [post_name] => statut-w-nowym-brzmieniu [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [540] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6774 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [541] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6868 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [542] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6874 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [543] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6890 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [544] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7475 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [545] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7380 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Informacja do sprawozdania [post_name] => informacja-do-sprawozdania [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [546] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7484 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [547] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7486 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [548] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7488 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [549] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7705 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [550] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7715 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [551] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7723 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [552] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8047 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [553] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8377 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2016-05-17 ) [554] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8525 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [555] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8555 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [556] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8557 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [557] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8559 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [558] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8565 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [559] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8574 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [560] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8576 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [561] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8578 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [562] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8636 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [563] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8748 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => FORMULARZ ZGŁOSZENIOWY [post_name] => formularz-zgloszeniowy [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [564] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9474 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => formularz zgłoszenia [post_name] => formularz-zgloszenia [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [565] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9924 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 3 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-3 [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [566] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10095 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [567] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10097 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [568] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10250 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [569] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10326 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [570] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10351 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [571] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10353 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [572] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10355 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [573] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10452 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 29-30.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-29-30-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [574] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10609 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => film instruktażowy [post_name] => film-instruktazowy [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [575] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10845 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [576] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10847 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [577] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10849 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [578] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11012 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [579] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11400 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => 11400-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [580] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11494 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Formularz ofertowy [post_name] => formularz-ofertowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [581] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11506 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [582] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11539 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [583] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11566 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [584] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11568 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [585] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11570 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [586] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11700 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [587] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12513 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [588] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12555 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [589] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12557 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [590] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12560 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [591] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13275 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [592] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13297 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [593] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13467 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [594] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13479 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [595] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13492 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [596] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13494 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [597] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13621 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [598] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13985 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => SUKCESY WYBRANYCH KLUBÓW - CZŁONKÓW SZS [post_name] => sukcesy-wybranych-klubow-czlonkow-szs [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [599] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14627 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2022 [post_name] => program-sks-2022 [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [600] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14638 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OK.RUCH! [post_name] => ok-ruch [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [601] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14761 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Summer Games [post_name] => summer-games [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [602] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14767 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [603] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15457 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xx-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [604] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 187 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [605] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1-2 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [606] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 291 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [607] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 313 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [608] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 328 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [609] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3094 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Plan Pracy Zarządu [post_name] => plan-pracy-zarzadu [date] => 2012-12-03 ) [610] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 525 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s szkolenia [post_name] => komisja-ds-szkolenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [611] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2059 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [612] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2259 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [613] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2352 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [614] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2422 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [615] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2452 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Strona Ogólnopolska [post_name] => strona-ogolnopolska [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [616] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2511 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Umowy [post_name] => umowy [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [617] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2607 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Turniej ORLIKA o Puchar Premiera Donalda Tuska [post_name] => turniej-o-puchar-premiera-donalda-tuska [date] => 2012-09-04 ) [618] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2860 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [619] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3527 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Regulamin wydatkowania 1% [post_name] => regulamin-wydatkowania-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [620] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4048 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 7 [post_name] => biuletyn-4 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [621] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4125 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [622] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4272 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem KEN [post_name] => medalem-ken [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [623] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4398 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [624] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5781 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [625] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6082 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => spg [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [626] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6111 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [627] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6113 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [628] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6115 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [629] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6178 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Umowa [post_name] => umowa [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [630] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6233 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2014-08-31 ) [631] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6270 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2014-09-04 ) [632] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6312 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Rachunek [post_name] => rachunek [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [633] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6939 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => lista-zakwalifikowanych [date] => 2015-03-02 ) [634] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7013 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [635] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7477 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [636] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7382 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Bilans [post_name] => bilans [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [637] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7707 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [638] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7711 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [639] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7717 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [640] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8227 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Lista podmiotów realizujących [post_name] => lista-podmiotow-realizujacych [date] => 2016-04-13 ) [641] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8580 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [642] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8582 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [643] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8583 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [644] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8704 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Uchwała [post_name] => uchwala [date] => 2016-09-10 ) [645] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8755 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [646] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14916 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xix-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [647] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9476 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [648] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10026 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 4 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-4 [date] => 2017-04-12 ) [649] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10252 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => lista delegatów [post_name] => lista-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [650] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10328 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [651] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10391 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => instrukcja do dziennika elektronicznego [post_name] => instrukcja-do-dziennika-elektronicznego [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [652] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10454 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 6-7.10 [post_name] => szkolenie-6-7-10 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [653] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10851 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [654] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10853 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [655] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10855 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [656] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11014 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [657] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11403 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [658] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11496 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór umowy [post_name] => wzor-umowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [659] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [660] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11607 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => [post_name] => 1-2 [date] => 2018-09-01 ) [661] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11695 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2018-10-08 ) [662] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11811 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 70 lat SZS [post_name] => 65-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [663] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13278 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [664] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13299 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [665] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13503 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2020-08-31 ) [666] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13623 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Strategia SZS na lata 2020-2024 [post_name] => strategia-szs-na-lata-2020-2024 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [667] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zasady bezpieczeństwa [post_name] => zasady-bezpieczenstwa [date] => 2020-09-27 ) [668] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13971 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2021 [post_name] => program-sks-2021 [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [669] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13991 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „JUVENIA” Puszczykowo [post_name] => mks-juvenia-puszczykowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [670] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14071 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2021-05-24 ) [671] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 60 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [672] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 189 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [673] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 293 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [674] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 302 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wielkopolski Turniej Orlika [post_name] => turniej-orlika-2011 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [675] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 316 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [676] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 330 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [677] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 834 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [678] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 879 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pływanie Drużynowe [post_name] => plywanie-druzynowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [679] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3493 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 60 lat SZS [post_name] => 60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [680] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3529 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [681] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3611 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [682] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3614 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [683] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3714 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Medal 60 lat SZS w Wielkopolsce [post_name] => medal-60-lat-szs-wielkopolska [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [684] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4040 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [685] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4050 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 8 [post_name] => biuletyn-5 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [686] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4142 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [687] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4274 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia ZG SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-zg-szs [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [688] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5399 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [689] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8169 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [690] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5787 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Podręcznik [post_name] => podrecznik [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [691] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5960 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program "Mały Mistrz" [post_name] => program-maly-mistrz-2 [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [692] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6086 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloszenie-do-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [693] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6273 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Dokumenty [post_name] => dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-05 ) [694] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6314 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Test [post_name] => test [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [695] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6900 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [696] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7015 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Rachunki [post_name] => rachunki [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [697] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7021 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2015-03-17 ) [698] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7479 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [699] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7384 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [700] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8051 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [701] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8679 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kalendarze do druku [post_name] => kalendarze-do-druku [date] => 2016-09-06 ) [702] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8994 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2016-11-02 ) [703] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9478 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista zgłoszonych jednostek [post_name] => lista-zgloszonych-jednostek [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [704] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9729 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => imprezy-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [705] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10049 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [706] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10319 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [707] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11016 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [708] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11405 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [709] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11498 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór nadruku [post_name] => wzor-nadruku [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [710] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11543 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [711] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13259 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2020 [post_name] => program-sks-2020 [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [712] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13301 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [713] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13994 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „DĄBRÓWKA” Poznań [post_name] => mks-dabrowka-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [714] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14278 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xviii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [715] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 57 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [716] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 119 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biuro [post_name] => biuro-3 [date] => 2011-08-08 ) [717] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 191 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [718] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 304 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Ferie na Orlikach [post_name] => ferie-na-orlikach [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [719] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 318 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [720] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 782 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zagrajmy o Sukces [post_name] => zagrajmy-o-sukces [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [721] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3256 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Deklaracja członkowska [post_name] => deklaracja-czlonkowska [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [722] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 925 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie do 200zł [post_name] => umowa-ponizej-200-zl [date] => 2011-11-18 ) [723] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3500 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [724] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3966 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie częściowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [725] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4052 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 9 [post_name] => biuletyn-6 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [726] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4145 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [727] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4276 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem PKOl [post_name] => medalem-pkol [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [728] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4372 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloeszenie-do-wims [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [729] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4376 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [730] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4560 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program MULTISPORT [post_name] => program-multisport [date] => 2013-09-27 ) [731] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6084 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [732] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6316 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Umowa zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [733] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6903 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [734] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7481 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [735] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11018 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [736] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11407 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Delegaci Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => delegaci-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [737] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12640 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2019 [post_name] => program-sks-2019 [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [738] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12663 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2019-10-01 ) [739] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13303 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (kluby) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-kluby [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [740] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13997 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS Malta Poznań [post_name] => mks-malta-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [741] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 193 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => druk-treningow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [742] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 258 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pożytek Publiczny [post_name] => pozytek-publiczny [date] => 2011-08-22 ) [743] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 320 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [744] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1415 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie dla Animatorów Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-dla-animatorow-moje-boisko-orlik-2012 [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [745] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3261 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [746] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4054 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 10 [post_name] => biuletyn-7 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [747] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4064 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [748] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4278 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem zbiorowym za zasługi w sporcie szkolnym [post_name] => medalem-zbiorowym-za-zaslugi-w-sporcie-szkolnym [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [749] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4616 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XV WIMS [post_name] => xv-wims [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [750] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5785 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [751] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6905 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [752] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6914 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [753] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7935 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [754] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11020 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umów [post_name] => rozliczanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [755] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11409 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Lista członków zwyczajnych [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [756] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11484 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2018 [post_name] => program-sks-2018 [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [757] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11988 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [758] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13305 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (stowarzyszenia) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [759] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MKS” Słupca [post_name] => uks-mks-slupca [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [760] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 196 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [761] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 322 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [762] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3004 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XIV WIMS [post_name] => xiv-wims [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [763] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4280 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem za zasługi w rozwój sportu szkolnego [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi-w-rozwoj-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [764] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5650 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => III Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => iii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2014-03-18 ) [765] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5978 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zamówienia [post_name] => zamowienia-publ [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [766] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6186 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => test-sprawnosciowy [date] => 2014-07-23 ) [767] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6572 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Protokół zdawczo-odbiorczy [post_name] => protokol-zdawczo-odbiorczy [date] => 2014-11-07 ) [768] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8456 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [769] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10085 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2017 [post_name] => program-sks [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [770] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10394 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista wypłat nauczycieli [post_name] => lista-wyplat-nauczycieli [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [771] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10715 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xv-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [772] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11022 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [773] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11411 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Protokół komisji skrutacyjnej [post_name] => protokol-komisji-skrutacyjnej [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [774] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13307 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [775] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14759 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-12 ) [776] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14769 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [777] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 152 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kontakt [post_name] => kontakt [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [778] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 272 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Rozliczenie zawodów [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [779] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1020 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2011-11-23 ) [780] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1835 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Pływanie kluczem do sukcesu [post_name] => plywanie-kluczem-do-sukcesu [date] => 2012-05-09 ) [781] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2569 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Cykl szkoleń "Człowiek wobec uzależnień" [post_name] => szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-31 ) [782] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6892 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Komitet Honorowy [post_name] => komitet-honorowy [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [783] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8309 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Junior Sport [post_name] => junior-sport [date] => 2016-05-01 ) [784] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9564 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => 9564-2 [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [785] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9902 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgoda rodziców [post_name] => zgoda-rodzicow [date] => 2017-03-20 ) [786] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9928 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [787] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9947 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2017-03-30 ) [788] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9972 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-04-03 ) [789] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11024 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [790] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11413 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => 65 Lat - wniosek [post_name] => 65-lat-wniosek [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [791] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13269 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Serbia 2021 [post_name] => serbia-2021 [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [792] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14002 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „VICTORIA” Gułtowy [post_name] => uks-victoria-gultowy [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [793] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14044 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [794] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 289 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie powyżej 200zł [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [795] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 810 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [796] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2266 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Zjazd Absolwentów AWF `82 [post_name] => zjazd82 [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [797] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3817 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo UMWW [post_name] => logo-umww [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [798] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4067 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2013-05-08 ) [799] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8166 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [800] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4746 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Inauguracja [post_name] => inauguracja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [801] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5956 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => MultiSport [post_name] => zamowienia-publiczne [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [802] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6770 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [803] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6823 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2014 [post_name] => multisport-2014 [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [804] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6907 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Skład reprentacji [post_name] => sklad-reprentacji [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [805] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8041 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program Junior Sport [post_name] => program-junior-sport [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [806] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8742 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => WARSZTATY-AEROBIK [post_name] => warsztaty-aerobik [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [807] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9468 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2017 [post_name] => szkolny-klub-sportowy [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [808] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9926 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Dokumenty do pobrania [post_name] => dokumenty-do-pobrania [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [809] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10083 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2017-05-05 ) [810] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10435 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => testy sprawnościowe [post_name] => testy-sprawnosciowe [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [811] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11472 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Estonia 2019 [post_name] => estonia-2019 [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [812] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11518 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-27 ) [813] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11521 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wybór oferty [post_name] => wybor-oferty [date] => 2018-07-30 ) [814] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11675 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2018-10-06 ) [815] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11809 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Księga znaku [post_name] => ksiega-znaku [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [816] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12180 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [817] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12507 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2018/2019 [post_name] => 2018-2019 [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [818] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14004 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Tenisa Stołowego „RATAJE 50” Poznań [post_name] => szkolny-klub-tenisa-stolowego-rataje-50-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [819] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14372 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Deklaracja dostępności [post_name] => deklaracja-dostepnosci [date] => 2022-03-20 ) [820] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2448 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Szkolenie Animatorów i Wolontariuszy Sportu Szkolnego - Żerków 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-animatorow-i-wolontariuszy-sportu-szkolnego-zerkow-2012 [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [821] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3819 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo MSiT [post_name] => logo-msit [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [822] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4735 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Znaczenie aktywności ruchowej [post_name] => znaczenie-aktywnosci-ruchowej [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [823] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6909 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [824] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9541 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Włochy 2017 [post_name] => wlochy-2017 [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [825] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9712 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Protokół wypadkowy [post_name] => protokol-wypadkowy [date] => 2017-02-18 ) [826] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10446 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => cykl szkoleń Żerków [post_name] => cykl-szkolen-zerkow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [827] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10894 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => rozliczenie projektu [post_name] => rozliczenie-projektu [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [828] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11533 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2017/2018 [post_name] => 2017-2018 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [829] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13615 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXIII Walny Sprawozdawczo-Wyborczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxiii-walny-sprawozdawczo-wyborczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [830] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „GONIEC” Kostrzyn [post_name] => uks-goniec-kostrzyn [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [831] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3606 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Oferta warsztatów edukacyjnych dla szkół [post_name] => oferta-warsztatow-edukacyjnych-dla-szkol [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [832] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4737 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Edukacja zintegrowana a edukacja fizyczna [post_name] => edukacja-zintegrowana-a-edukacja-fizyczna [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [833] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6894 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Turcja 2015 [post_name] => turcja-2015 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [834] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7224 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2015 - 2016 [post_name] => lista-szkol-2015-2016 [date] => 2015-05-06 ) [835] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10998 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty [post_name] => projekty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [836] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13290 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXII Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxii-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [837] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „SPRINT” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-sprint-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [838] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3717 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Portugalia 2013 [post_name] => isf-portugalia [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [839] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4739 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Sprawny Dolnoślązaczek [post_name] => sprawny-dolnoslazaczek [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [840] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5659 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => 14 Ogólnopolski Zlot Młodzieżowych Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => 14-ogolnopolski-zlot-mlodziezowych-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [841] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5968 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2014 - 2015 [post_name] => lista-szkol [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [842] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10306 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2016/2017 [post_name] => 20162017-2 [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [843] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11389 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów -2018 [post_name] => xx-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2018 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [844] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14010 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MUKS” Poznań [post_name] => uks-muks-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [845] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8519 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2015/2016 [post_name] => 20152016-2 [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [846] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10244 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XIX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xix-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [847] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3987 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zlot [post_name] => zlot [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [848] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4686 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Praca z dzieckiem z rodziny z problemem alkoholu [post_name] => praca-z-dzieckiem-z-rodziny-z-problemem-alkoholu [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [849] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5970 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [850] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7469 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2014/2015 [post_name] => 20142015-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [851] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8591 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Zlot Organizatorów Sportu Szkolnego [post_name] => zlot-organizatorow-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [852] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8630 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVIII Walny Zjazd Delegatów 2016 [post_name] => xviii-walny-zjazd-delegatow-2016 [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [853] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3263 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => II Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => ii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [854] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6067 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2013/2014 [post_name] => 20132014-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [855] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8450 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVII Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvii-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [856] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5582 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty 2013 [post_name] => projekty-2013 [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [857] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6683 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Nadzwyczajny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => nadzwyczajny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-01-20 ) [858] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4367 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2012/2013 [post_name] => 20122013-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [859] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7374 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVI Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvi-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [860] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LKO – Leszczyński Klub Orienteeringu [post_name] => lko-leszczynski-klub-orienteeringu [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [861] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2050 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2011/2012 [post_name] => 2011-2012 [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [862] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2628 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XV Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [863] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4116 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Polityka prywatności [post_name] => cookies [date] => 2017-12-15 ) [864] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7027 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Archiwum [post_name] => archiwum [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [865] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10538 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sejmik Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => sejmik-szkolnej-kultury-fizycznej [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [866] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11478 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => lista wyróżnionych medalem 65 lat [post_name] => 11478-2 [date] => 2018-07-18 ) [867] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10540 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krajowe Szkolenie dla Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => krajowe-szkolenie-dla-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [868] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Uczniowski Klub Łuczniczy „LEŚNIK” Poznań [post_name] => uczniowski-klub-luczniczy-lesnik-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [869] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14017 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ATLAS” Tarnowo Podgórne [post_name] => uks-atlas-tarnowo-podgorne [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [870] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14019 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZAPASY” (do 2018 r. GRUNWALD) Plewiska [post_name] => uks-zapasy-do-2018-r-grunwald-plewiska [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [871] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14021 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „AS” Czempiń [post_name] => uks-as-czempin [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [872] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14023 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BUKOS - Belęciński Uczniowski Klub Orientacji Sportowej [post_name] => bukos-belecinski-uczniowski-klub-orientacji-sportowej [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [873] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14025 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ARKADY” Raszków [post_name] => uks-arkady-raszkow [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [874] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14027 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „DELFIN” Kłecko [post_name] => uks-delfin-klecko [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [875] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MUKS „CZARNI” przy ZSP nr 1 w Kępnie [post_name] => muks-czarni-przy-zsp-nr-1-w-kepnie [date] => 2021-05-11 ) ) AUTOEXPAND Array ( )
  • ISF
Do pobrania
  • MySQL server version: 5.7.28-31-log collapsPage options: Array ( [title] => Do pobrania [sortOrder] => ASC [sort] => pageId [defaultExpand] => [expand] => 4 [depth] => 3 [inExcludePage] => include [linkToPage] => [inExcludePages] => 3812, 3816, 11727, 3817, 3819, 14372, 15926 [showPosts] => [animate] => 1 [postTitleLength] => 0 [useCookies] => 1 [debug] => 1 [customExpand] => [customCollapse] => [expandWidget] => 1 ) PAGE QUERY: SELECT wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_parent, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_name, date(wp_posts.post_date) as 'date' FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_status='publish' AND post_name NOT IN ('') AND wp_posts.post_type='page' ORDER BY wp_posts.ID ASC PAGE QUERY RESULTS Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków UMWW [post_name] => smsu-umww [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 18 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Członkowie SZS [post_name] => czlonkowie [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 22 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Statut [post_name] => statut [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 24 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 27 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Druki [post_name] => druki [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 29 [post_parent] => 119 [post_title] => Godziny Pracy Biura [post_name] => wykaz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 32 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 34 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 37 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 40 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 43 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 46 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 49 [post_parent] => 141 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-sp [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 52 [post_parent] => 143 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-g [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 55 [post_parent] => 145 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-spg [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 57 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 60 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 63 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => asdim [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 66 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Osób Niepełnosprawnych [post_name] => ason [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 69 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Animator "Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012" [post_name] => orlik [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 74 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Dane teleadresowe [post_name] => dane [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 77 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Konto SZS [post_name] => konto [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 80 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Pozostałe adresy [post_name] => adresy [date] => 2011-07-02 ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 119 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biuro [post_name] => biuro-3 [date] => 2011-08-08 ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 141 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => szkola-podstawowa [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 143 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjum [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 145 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => szkola-ponadgimnazjalna [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 152 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kontakt [post_name] => kontakt [date] => 2011-08-12 ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 181 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 183 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 185 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 187 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 189 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 191 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 193 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => druk-treningow [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 196 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-17 ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 224 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [37] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 226 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2011-08-19 ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 258 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pożytek Publiczny [post_name] => pozytek-publiczny [date] => 2011-08-22 ) [39] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 260 [post_parent] => 258 [post_title] => Ogłoszenia, sprawozdania [post_name] => ogloszenia [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [40] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 262 [post_parent] => 13395 [post_title] => Animator SKF [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [41] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 264 [post_parent] => 13387 [post_title] => SMSU ze środków PP [post_name] => program-smsu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [42] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1-2 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [43] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 270 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => lista-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [44] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 272 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Rozliczenie zawodów [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [45] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 276 [post_parent] => 2259 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [46] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 280 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [47] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 282 [post_parent] => 57 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [48] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 285 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zasady rozliczeń [post_name] => zasady-rozliczen [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [49] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 287 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Tabela podatkowa [post_name] => tabela-podatkowa [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [50] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 289 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie powyżej 200zł [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [51] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 291 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [52] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 293 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [53] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 302 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wielkopolski Turniej Orlika [post_name] => turniej-orlika-2011 [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [54] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 304 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Ferie na Orlikach [post_name] => ferie-na-orlikach [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [55] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 309 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [56] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 311 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [57] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 313 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [58] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 316 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [59] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 318 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umowy [post_name] => rozliczanie-umowy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [60] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 320 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [61] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 322 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [62] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 324 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [63] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 326 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [64] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 328 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [65] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 330 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2011-08-23 ) [66] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 373 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Sportu [post_name] => animator-2 [date] => 2011-08-30 ) [67] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 447 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Komisje [post_name] => komisje [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [68] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 449 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [69] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 451 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Zarządu [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [70] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 453 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Skład Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [71] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 455 [post_parent] => 745 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [72] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 458 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Skład Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [73] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 460 [post_parent] => 751 [post_title] => Regulamin pracy Komisji Rewizyjnej [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna-2 [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [74] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 505 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => stowarzyszenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [75] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 509 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [76] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 517 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja odwoławcza [post_name] => komisja-odwolawcza [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [77] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 521 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s współzawodnictwa [post_name] => komisja-ds-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [78] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 523 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s ŻMKS [post_name] => komisja-ds-zmks [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [79] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 525 [post_parent] => 447 [post_title] => Komisja d/s szkolenia [post_name] => komisja-ds-szkolenia [date] => 2011-09-05 ) [80] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 544 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [81] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 547 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [82] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 549 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [83] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 554 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [84] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 556 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Lista uczestników [post_name] => lista-uczestnikow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [85] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 558 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 28 [post_name] => pit-28 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [86] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 560 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 36 [post_name] => pit-36 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [87] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 562 [post_parent] => 268 [post_title] => PIT 37 [post_name] => pit-37 [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [88] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 590 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Wielkopolska [post_name] => wielkopolska [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [89] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 626 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [90] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 628 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [91] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 630 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [92] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 640 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [93] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 642 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [94] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 644 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [95] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 646 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [96] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 648 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [97] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 650 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [98] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 652 [post_parent] => 49 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [99] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 654 [post_parent] => 52 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [100] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 656 [post_parent] => 55 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2011-09-08 ) [101] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 741 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Zarząd [post_name] => zarzad-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [102] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 745 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Prezydium Zarządu [post_name] => prezydium-zarzadu [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [103] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 751 [post_parent] => 1309 [post_title] => Komisja Rewizyjna [post_name] => komisja-rewizyjna [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [104] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 759 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Związek [post_name] => zwiazek-2 [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [105] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 782 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zagrajmy o Sukces [post_name] => zagrajmy-o-sukces [date] => 2011-11-14 ) [106] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 810 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [107] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 818 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [108] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 821 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Biegi na Orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [109] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 824 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Grand Prix Wielkopolski [post_name] => grand-prix-wielkopolski [date] => 2011-11-15 ) [110] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 834 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [111] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 836 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [112] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 838 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [113] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 840 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [114] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 879 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pływanie Drużynowe [post_name] => plywanie-druzynowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [115] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 883 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Lekkoatletyka SPG [post_name] => lekkoatletyka-spg [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [116] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 886 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sztafetowe Biegi Przełajowe [post_name] => sztafetowe-biegi-przelajowe [date] => 2011-11-16 ) [117] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 889 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Programy Szkoleń Kadr Sportowych [post_name] => programy-szkolen-kadr-sportowych [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [118] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 891 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Badminton [post_name] => badminton [date] => 2011-11-17 ) [119] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 925 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie do 200zł [post_name] => umowa-ponizej-200-zl [date] => 2011-11-18 ) [120] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1020 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2011-11-23 ) [121] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1150 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Wysokość składek [post_name] => wysokosc-skladek [date] => 2011-12-07 ) [122] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1268 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Przekaż nam swój 1,5% [post_name] => przekaz-nam-swoj-1 [date] => 2012-01-09 ) [123] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1297 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Organizacja Pracy [post_name] => organizacja-pracy [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [124] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1309 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Władze Związku [post_name] => wladze-zwiazku [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [125] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1328 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Wykaz klubów [post_name] => wykaz-klubow [date] => 2012-01-13 ) [126] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1356 [post_parent] => 63 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [127] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1358 [post_parent] => 66 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [128] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1361 [post_parent] => 69 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [129] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1363 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [130] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1365 [post_parent] => 302 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [131] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1367 [post_parent] => 304 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [132] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1369 [post_parent] => 14 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [133] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1371 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [134] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1373 [post_parent] => 986 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [135] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1375 [post_parent] => 262 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-16 ) [136] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1394 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => szachy-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [137] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1400 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Indywidualne Szachy - IMS [post_name] => szachy-sp [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [138] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1405 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowy Tenis Stołowy - Gimnazjada [post_name] => dts-g [date] => 2012-01-17 ) [139] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1415 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie dla Animatorów Moje Boisko - ORLIK 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-dla-animatorow-moje-boisko-orlik-2012 [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [140] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1417 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [141] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1419 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-01-18 ) [142] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1510 [post_parent] => 1415 [post_title] => Lista Animatorów [post_name] => lista-animatorow [date] => 2012-02-21 ) [143] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1709 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Założenia Ogólne [post_name] => zalozenia-ogolne [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [144] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1712 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Regulamin Komisji Szkoleniowej [post_name] => regulamin-komisji-szkoleniowej [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [145] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1715 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Składki Członkowskie [post_name] => skladki-czlonkowskie [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [146] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1718 [post_parent] => 24 [post_title] => Warunki do Rozliczeń [post_name] => warunki-do-rozliczen [date] => 2012-04-15 ) [147] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1835 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Pływanie kluczem do sukcesu [post_name] => plywanie-kluczem-do-sukcesu [date] => 2012-05-09 ) [148] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Koszykówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => koszykowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [149] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1936 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-15 ) [150] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1987 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Chłopców - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-chlopcow-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [151] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1992 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Siatkówka Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => siatkowka-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [152] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Unihokej Dziewcząt - Gimnazjada [post_name] => unihokej-dziewczat-gimnazjada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [153] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Drużynowe Szachy - Licealiada [post_name] => druzynowe-szachy-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [154] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2020 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [155] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2026 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Chłopców - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-chlopcow-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [156] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2032 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Piłka Siatkowa Plażowa Dziewcząt - Licealiada Rejon Leszno [post_name] => pilka-siatkowa-plazowa-dziewczat-licealiada-rejon-leszno [date] => 2012-05-24 ) [157] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2050 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2011/2012 [post_name] => 2011-2012 [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [158] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2053 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Informacje Ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [159] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2055 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [160] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2057 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [161] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2059 [post_parent] => 2266 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2012-05-28 ) [162] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2160 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Plażowa Piłka Siatkowa Chłopców - Licealiada [post_name] => plazowa-pilka-siatkowa-chlopcow-licealiada [date] => 2012-06-18 ) [163] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2259 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [164] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2266 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Zjazd Absolwentów AWF `82 [post_name] => zjazd82 [date] => 2012-07-17 ) [165] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2303 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => I tura zajęć [post_name] => i-tura-zajec [date] => 2012-08-09 ) [166] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2319 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => wims [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [167] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2335 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [168] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2337 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [169] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2339 [post_parent] => 2319 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [170] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2342 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [171] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2344 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [172] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2346 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [173] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2348 [post_parent] => 2342 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [174] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2352 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [175] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2354 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [176] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2356 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [177] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2358 [post_parent] => 2352 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2012-08-13 ) [178] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2415 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa-szkol-podstawowych [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [179] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2417 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [180] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2420 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [181] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2422 [post_parent] => 2339 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [182] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2425 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [183] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2427 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [184] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2429 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [185] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2431 [post_parent] => 2348 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [186] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2433 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [187] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2435 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [188] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2437 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [189] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2439 [post_parent] => 2358 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [190] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2441 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [191] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2448 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Szkolenie Animatorów i Wolontariuszy Sportu Szkolnego - Żerków 2012 [post_name] => szkolenie-animatorow-i-wolontariuszy-sportu-szkolnego-zerkow-2012 [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [192] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2450 [post_parent] => 2448 [post_title] => Program Szkolenia [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [193] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2452 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Strona Ogólnopolska [post_name] => strona-ogolnopolska [date] => 2012-08-20 ) [194] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2464 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla Animatora [post_name] => program-szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [195] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2484 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Informacje dla drużyn [post_name] => informacje-dla-druzyn [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [196] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2489 [post_parent] => 2607 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [197] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2493 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zasady organizacji i rozliczenia [post_name] => zasady-organizacji-i-rozliczenia [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [198] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2495 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [199] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2509 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Zestawienie kosztów [post_name] => zestawienie-kosztow [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [200] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2511 [post_parent] => 2464 [post_title] => Umowy [post_name] => umowy [date] => 2012-08-22 ) [201] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2515 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [202] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2517 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Lista startowa [post_name] => lista-startowa [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [203] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2519 [post_parent] => 2484 [post_title] => Oświadczenie rodziców [post_name] => oswiadczenie-rodzicow [date] => 2012-08-23 ) [204] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2569 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Cykl szkoleń "Człowiek wobec uzależnień" [post_name] => szkolenia [date] => 2012-08-31 ) [205] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2607 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Turniej ORLIKA o Puchar Premiera Donalda Tuska [post_name] => turniej-o-puchar-premiera-donalda-tuska [date] => 2012-09-04 ) [206] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2628 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XV Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [207] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2630 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Porządek obrad (projekt) [post_name] => porzadek-obrad-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [208] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2632 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów XV Walnego Zjazdu Delegatów (projekt) [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow-xv-walnego-zjazdu-delegatow-projekt [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [209] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2635 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Tezy na XV Zjazd [post_name] => tezy-na-xv-zjazd [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [210] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2637 [post_parent] => 2628 [post_title] => Projekt umowy partnerskiej [post_name] => projekt-umowy-partnerskiej [date] => 2012-09-06 ) [211] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2674 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Umowy na Eliminacje Wojewódzkie [post_name] => umowy-na-eliminacje-wojewodzkie [date] => 2012-09-18 ) [212] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2848 [post_parent] => 2050 [post_title] => Animator - "Biały Orlik" [post_name] => animator-bialy-orlik [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [213] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2852 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Założenia Programowe [post_name] => zalozenia-programowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [214] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2854 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Wniosek [post_name] => wniosek [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [215] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2856 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Harmonogram [post_name] => harmonogram [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [216] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2858 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [217] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2860 [post_parent] => 2848 [post_title] => Informacje dodatkowe [post_name] => informacje-dodatkowe [date] => 2012-11-08 ) [218] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2892 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2004-2008 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2004-2008 [date] => 2012-11-14 ) [219] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2903 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zdzisław Urbańczyk [post_name] => zdzislaw-urbanczyk [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [220] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2907 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Mirosław Dębowski [post_name] => miroslaw-debowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [221] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2914 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zbigniew Kosmalski [post_name] => zbigniew-kosmalski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [222] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2916 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wojciech Ziemniak [post_name] => wojciech-ziemniak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [223] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2920 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Marek Szczepanowski [post_name] => marek-szczepanowski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [224] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2922 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jerzy Kerger [post_name] => jerzy-kerger [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [225] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2924 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Adam Kłodnicki [post_name] => adam-klodnicki [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [226] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krzysztof Mądry [post_name] => krzysztof-madry [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [227] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2929 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Edward Dereszewski [post_name] => edward-dereszewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [228] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2931 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Roman Wiśniewski [post_name] => roman-wisniewski [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [229] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2933 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Wiesław Nowak [post_name] => wieslaw-nowak [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [230] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2938 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2008-2012 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2008-2012 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [231] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 2955 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład Zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016 [date] => 2012-11-15 ) [232] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3004 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XIV WIMS [post_name] => xiv-wims [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [233] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [234] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3014 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja – Galeria [post_name] => 13-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [235] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne - Galeria [post_name] => 13-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [236] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3020 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe I [post_name] => prezentacja-1 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [237] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3022 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Materiały szkoleniowe II [post_name] => prezentacja-2 [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [238] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3024 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2012-11-23 ) [239] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3094 [post_parent] => 741 [post_title] => Plan Pracy Zarządu [post_name] => plan-pracy-zarzadu [date] => 2012-12-03 ) [240] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3256 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Deklaracja członkowska [post_name] => deklaracja-czlonkowska [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [241] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3261 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [242] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3263 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => II Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => ii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2013-01-04 ) [243] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3312 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2013-01-15 ) [244] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3354 [post_parent] => 18 [post_title] => Partnerzy [post_name] => partnerzy [date] => 2013-01-31 ) [245] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3477 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [246] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3481 [post_parent] => 3263 [post_title] => Komunikat Końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [247] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3493 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 60 lat SZS [post_name] => 60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [248] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3495 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => List do struktur [post_name] => list-do-struktur [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [249] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3498 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Kalendarz obchodów [post_name] => kalendarz-obchodow [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [250] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3500 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [251] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3502 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Warunki i tryb ubiegania się o wyróżnienia [post_name] => warunki-i-tryb-ubiegania-sie-o-wyroznienia [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [252] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3504 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Lista wyróżnionych [post_name] => lista-wyroznionych [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [253] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3506 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-szs [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [254] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3508 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Odznaką MSiT [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [255] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3510 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Krzyże i ordery [post_name] => krzyzem-i-orderem [date] => 2013-02-21 ) [256] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3527 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Regulamin wydatkowania 1% [post_name] => regulamin-wydatkowania-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [257] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3529 [post_parent] => 264 [post_title] => Instrukcja 1% [post_name] => instrukcja-1 [date] => 2013-02-25 ) [258] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3606 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Oferta warsztatów edukacyjnych dla szkół [post_name] => oferta-warsztatow-edukacyjnych-dla-szkol [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [259] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3608 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Informacja ogólna [post_name] => informacja-ogolna [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [260] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3611 [post_parent] => 2569 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [261] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3614 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Podsumowanie Projektu [post_name] => podsumowanie-projektu [date] => 2013-03-01 ) [262] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3702 [post_parent] => 3606 [post_title] => Formularz [post_name] => formularz [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [263] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3708 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Skład Komisji [post_name] => sklad-komisji [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [264] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3711 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Wniosek podstawowy [post_name] => wniosek-podstawowy [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [265] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3714 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Medal 60 lat SZS w Wielkopolsce [post_name] => medal-60-lat-szs-wielkopolska [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [266] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3717 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Portugalia 2013 [post_name] => isf-portugalia [date] => 2013-03-05 ) [267] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3768 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - szkolne [post_name] => lista-szkolne [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [268] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3770 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Lista - select [post_name] => lista-select [date] => 2013-03-12 ) [269] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3812 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo SZS [post_name] => logo-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [270] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3816 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo 65 lat SZS [post_name] => logo-60-lat-szs [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [271] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3817 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo UMWW [post_name] => logo-umww [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [272] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3819 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Logo MSiT [post_name] => logo-msit [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [273] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3822 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [274] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3824 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [275] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3826 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [276] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3828 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .jpg [post_name] => format-jpg [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [277] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3830 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .png [post_name] => format-png [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [278] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3832 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .tif [post_name] => format-pdf [date] => 2013-03-22 ) [279] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3851 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Renata Wolska [post_name] => renata-wolska [date] => 2013-03-28 ) [280] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3884 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Umowa Partnerska [post_name] => umowa-partnerska [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [281] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3887 [post_parent] => 3354 [post_title] => Lista Partnerów [post_name] => lista-partnerow [date] => 2013-04-02 ) [282] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3966 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie częściowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [283] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3968 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => mistrzostwa-swiata-isf [date] => 2013-04-18 ) [284] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3987 [post_parent] => 4367 [post_title] => Zlot [post_name] => zlot [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [285] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3989 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Pismo [post_name] => pismo [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [286] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3992 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia szkoły [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia-szkoly [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [287] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 3994 [post_parent] => 3987 [post_title] => Indywidualna karta uczestnika [post_name] => indywidualna-karta-uczestnika [date] => 2013-04-24 ) [288] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4017 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [289] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4020 [post_parent] => 3312 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2013-04-29 ) [290] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4040 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [291] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4042 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 4 [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [292] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4044 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 5 [post_name] => biuletyn-2 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [293] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4046 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 6 [post_name] => biuletyn-3 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [294] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4048 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 7 [post_name] => biuletyn-4 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [295] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4050 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 8 [post_name] => biuletyn-5 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [296] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4052 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 9 [post_name] => biuletyn-6 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [297] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4054 [post_parent] => 4040 [post_title] => Biuletyn 10 [post_name] => biuletyn-7 [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [298] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4064 [post_parent] => 3717 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie końcowe [post_name] => sprawozdanie-koncowe [date] => 2013-05-07 ) [299] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4067 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2013-05-08 ) [300] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4116 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Polityka prywatności [post_name] => cookies [date] => 2017-12-15 ) [301] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4125 [post_parent] => 3500 [post_title] => Oświadczenie [post_name] => oswiadczenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [302] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4142 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [303] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4145 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 18% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich [date] => 2013-05-17 ) [304] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4168 [post_parent] => 4172 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [305] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4172 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2012 [post_name] => edycja-2012 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [306] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4179 [post_parent] => 1835 [post_title] => Edycja 2013 [post_name] => edycja-2013 [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [307] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4183 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Warsztaty dla uczniów "Wolni od nałogów" [post_name] => warsztaty-dla-uczniow-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-05-21 ) [308] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4261 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Indywidualne [post_name] => indywidualne [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [309] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4263 [post_parent] => 3506 [post_title] => Zbiorowe [post_name] => zbiorowy-instytucje [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [310] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4272 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem KEN [post_name] => medalem-ken [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [311] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4274 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem 60lecia ZG SZS [post_name] => medalem-60lecia-zg-szs [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [312] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4276 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem PKOl [post_name] => medalem-pkol [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [313] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4278 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem zbiorowym za zasługi w sporcie szkolnym [post_name] => medalem-zbiorowym-za-zaslugi-w-sporcie-szkolnym [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [314] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4280 [post_parent] => 3504 [post_title] => Medalem za zasługi w rozwój sportu szkolnego [post_name] => medalem-za-zaslugi-w-rozwoj-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2013-06-13 ) [315] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4344 [post_parent] => 3493 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-07-10 ) [316] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4366 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wielkopolskich-igrzysk-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [317] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4367 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2012/2013 [post_name] => 20122013-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [318] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4372 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloeszenie-do-wims [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [319] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4376 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [320] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4380 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [321] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4383 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [322] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4385 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [323] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4387 [post_parent] => 4380 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [324] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4389 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [325] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4391 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [326] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4393 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [327] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4395 [post_parent] => 4387 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [328] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4397 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [329] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4398 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada-2 [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [330] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4400 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [331] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4408 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [332] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4412 [post_parent] => 4397 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [333] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4413 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [334] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4415 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [335] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4417 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [336] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4418 [post_parent] => 4412 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [337] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4421 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [338] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4423 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [339] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4427 [post_parent] => 4398 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [340] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4429 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [341] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4431 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [342] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4433 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [343] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4435 [post_parent] => 4427 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2013-08-19 ) [344] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4560 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program MULTISPORT [post_name] => program-multisport [date] => 2013-09-27 ) [345] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4567 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Spotkania świetlicowe naszą szansą na sukces [post_name] => spotkania-swietlicowe-nasza-szansa-na-sukces [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [346] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4569 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Bezpieczni i wolni od nałogów [post_name] => bezpieczni-i-wolni-od-nalogow [date] => 2013-10-02 ) [347] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4587 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Mały Mistrz [post_name] => maly-mistrz [date] => 2013-10-07 ) [348] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4616 [post_parent] => 810 [post_title] => XV WIMS [post_name] => xv-wims [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [349] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4619 [post_parent] => 4344 [post_title] => Spotkanie okolicznościowe 60-lecia SZS [post_name] => spotkanie-okolicznosciowe-60-lecia-szs [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [350] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4624 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Podstawowe [post_name] => 14-szkoly-podstawowe-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [351] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4644 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gimnazja [post_name] => 14-gimnazja-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [352] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4647 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkoły Ponadgimnazjalne [post_name] => 14-szkoly-ponadgimnazjalne-galeria [date] => 2013-10-17 ) [353] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4686 [post_parent] => 5582 [post_title] => Praca z dzieckiem z rodziny z problemem alkoholu [post_name] => praca-z-dzieckiem-z-rodziny-z-problemem-alkoholu [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [354] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4688 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Informacje [post_name] => informacje [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [355] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4690 [post_parent] => 4686 [post_title] => Galeria [post_name] => galeria [date] => 2013-10-22 ) [356] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4731 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [357] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4733 [post_parent] => 7027 [post_title] => Założenia Programu [post_name] => zalozenia-programu [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [358] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4735 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Znaczenie aktywności ruchowej [post_name] => znaczenie-aktywnosci-ruchowej [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [359] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4737 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Edukacja zintegrowana a edukacja fizyczna [post_name] => edukacja-zintegrowana-a-edukacja-fizyczna [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [360] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4739 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Sprawny Dolnoślązaczek [post_name] => sprawny-dolnoslazaczek [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [361] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4741 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Stop zwolnieniom z WF-u [post_name] => stop-zwolnieniom-z-wf-u [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [362] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4746 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Inauguracja [post_name] => inauguracja [date] => 2013-11-05 ) [363] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 4966 [post_parent] => 152 [post_title] => Mapka dojazdu [post_name] => mapka-dojazdu [date] => 2013-12-11 ) [364] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5193 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-gim [date] => 2014-01-13 ) [365] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5204 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy Gimnazja [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-gim [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [366] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5206 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgloszenie Szachy SPG [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-spg [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [367] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5208 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => DRUŻYNOWE MISTRZOSTWA W SZACHACH SP [post_name] => zgloszenie-szachy-sp [date] => 2014-01-14 ) [368] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5388 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [369] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5392 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [370] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5395 [post_parent] => 6914 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [371] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5399 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2014-02-04 ) [372] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5582 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty 2013 [post_name] => projekty-2013 [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [373] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5598 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => XI Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => xi-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [374] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5601 [post_parent] => 3261 [post_title] => X Warsztaty Metodyczne dla Nauczycieli z Narciarstwa Zjazdowego i Snowboardu [post_name] => x-warsztaty-metodyczne-dla-nauczycieli-z-narciarstwa-zjazdowego-i-snowboardu [date] => 2014-03-10 ) [375] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5650 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => III Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski Nauczycieli [post_name] => iii-mistrzostwa-wielkopolski-nauczycieli [date] => 2014-03-18 ) [376] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5659 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => 14 Ogólnopolski Zlot Młodzieżowych Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => 14-ogolnopolski-zlot-mlodziezowych-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [377] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5661 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Karta uczestnika [post_name] => karta-uczestnika [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [378] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5663 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Pismo do województw [post_name] => pismo-do-wojewodztw [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [379] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5665 [post_parent] => 5659 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie [post_name] => zgloszenie [date] => 2014-03-19 ) [380] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5781 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [381] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5785 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [382] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5787 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Podręcznik [post_name] => podrecznik [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [383] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5789 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => karta-zgloszeniowa [date] => 2014-04-20 ) [384] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5956 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => MultiSport [post_name] => zamowienia-publiczne [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [385] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5958 [post_parent] => 5978 [post_title] => Przetargi [post_name] => przetargi [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [386] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5960 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program "Mały Mistrz" [post_name] => program-maly-mistrz-2 [date] => 2014-06-01 ) [387] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5968 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2014 - 2015 [post_name] => lista-szkol [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [388] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5970 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Szkolenie [post_name] => szkolenie [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [389] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5972 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Dopiewo [post_name] => program-dopiewo [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [390] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5974 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Program Ostrów Wlkp. [post_name] => program-ostrow-wlkp [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [391] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5976 [post_parent] => 5970 [post_title] => Szkolenie lista [post_name] => szkolenie-lista [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [392] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 5978 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zamówienia [post_name] => zamowienia-publ [date] => 2014-06-02 ) [393] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6067 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2013/2014 [post_name] => 20132014-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [394] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6073 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [395] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6077 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => XVII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => ims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [396] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6080 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => g [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [397] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6082 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => spg [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [398] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6084 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [399] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6086 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie do WIMS [post_name] => zgloszenie-do-wims [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [400] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6088 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [401] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6090 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [402] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6092 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [403] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6094 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [404] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6096 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [405] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6098 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [406] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6100 [post_parent] => 7473 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [407] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6102 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [408] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6104 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [409] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6111 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [410] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6113 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [411] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6115 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [412] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6117 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [413] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6119 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [414] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6121 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [415] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6123 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [416] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6125 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [417] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6127 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [418] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6129 [post_parent] => 6100 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [419] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6131 [post_parent] => 6102 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [420] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6133 [post_parent] => 6104 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [421] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6135 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => INFORMACJA O UBEZPIECZENIU [post_name] => informacja-o-ubezpieczeniu-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [422] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6139 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Podział Województwa Wielkopolskiego na rejony sportowe [post_name] => podzial-wojewodztwa-wielkopolskiego-na-rejony-sportowe-2 [date] => 2014-07-16 ) [423] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6178 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Umowa [post_name] => umowa [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [424] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6182 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2014-07-22 ) [425] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6186 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Test sprawnościowy [post_name] => test-sprawnosciowy [date] => 2014-07-23 ) [426] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6207 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Animator Sportu Dzieci i Młodzieży [post_name] => animator-sportu-dzieci-i-mlodziezy [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [427] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6209 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [428] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6211 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [429] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6213 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Realizacja programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2014-08-19 ) [430] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6233 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2014-08-31 ) [431] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6270 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Lista [post_name] => lista [date] => 2014-09-04 ) [432] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6273 [post_parent] => 6207 [post_title] => Dokumenty [post_name] => dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-05 ) [433] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6299 [post_parent] => 6879 [post_title] => Poznań 2015 [post_name] => isf-plywanie-2015 [date] => 2014-09-10 ) [434] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6304 [post_parent] => 6823 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [435] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6306 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [436] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6308 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [437] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6310 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Ankieta [post_name] => ankieta [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [438] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6312 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Rachunek [post_name] => rachunek [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [439] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6314 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Test [post_name] => test [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [440] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6316 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Umowa zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2014-09-18 ) [441] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6322 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2014-09-21 ) [442] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6572 [post_parent] => 6304 [post_title] => Protokół zdawczo-odbiorczy [post_name] => protokol-zdawczo-odbiorczy [date] => 2014-11-07 ) [443] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6683 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => Nadzwyczajny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => nadzwyczajny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-01-20 ) [444] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6712 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Szkół Podstawowych [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-sp [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [445] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6714 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgłoszenie na Drużynowe Mistrzostwa w Szachach Licealiady [post_name] => zgloszenie-na-druzynowe-mistrzostwa-w-szachach-spg [date] => 2015-01-23 ) [446] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6749 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad NWZD [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-nwzd [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [447] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6751 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut z uwagami do zmiany [post_name] => statut-z-uwagami-do-zmiany [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [448] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6753 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Statut w nowym brzmieniu [post_name] => statut-w-nowym-brzmieniu [date] => 2015-01-30 ) [449] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6768 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Warsztaty Nauczycieli w Narciarstwie Zjazdowym i Snowboardzie [post_name] => warsztaty-nauczycieli-w-narciarstwie-zjazdowym-i-snowboardzie [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [450] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6770 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [451] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6772 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [452] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6774 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-03 ) [453] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6785 [post_parent] => 6683 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2015-02-04 ) [454] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6823 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2014 [post_name] => multisport-2014 [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [455] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6827 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [456] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6834 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Karta zgłoszenia [post_name] => karta-zgloszenia [date] => 2015-02-12 ) [457] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6868 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [458] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6870 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie opiekuna dziecka [post_name] => oswiadczenie-opiekuna-dziecka [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [459] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6872 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Porozumienie partnerskie [post_name] => porozumienie-partnerskie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [460] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6874 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Umowa-zlecenie [post_name] => umowa-zlecenie [date] => 2015-02-19 ) [461] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6879 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => ISF Pływanie [post_name] => isf-plywanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [462] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6884 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [463] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6888 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [464] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6890 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [465] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6892 [post_parent] => 6299 [post_title] => Komitet Honorowy [post_name] => komitet-honorowy [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [466] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6894 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Turcja 2015 [post_name] => turcja-2015 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [467] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6896 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [468] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6898 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [469] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6900 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 1 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-1 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [470] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6903 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 2 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-2 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [471] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6905 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Biuletyn Nr 3 [post_name] => biuletyn-nr-3 [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [472] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6907 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Skład reprentacji [post_name] => sklad-reprentacji [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [473] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6909 [post_parent] => 6894 [post_title] => Sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2015-02-22 ) [474] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6914 [post_parent] => 6067 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [475] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6921 [post_parent] => 6233 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2015-02-23 ) [476] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6929 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-03-01 ) [477] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 6939 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => Lista zakwalifikowanych [post_name] => lista-zakwalifikowanych [date] => 2015-03-02 ) [478] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7013 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Oświadczenie trenera [post_name] => oswiadczenie-trenera [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [479] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7015 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Rachunki [post_name] => rachunki [date] => 2015-03-12 ) [480] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7021 [post_parent] => 6868 [post_title] => Dziennik zajęć [post_name] => dziennik-zajec [date] => 2015-03-17 ) [481] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7027 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Archiwum [post_name] => archiwum [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [482] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => WIMS [post_name] => wims [date] => 2015-03-18 ) [483] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7224 [post_parent] => 4587 [post_title] => Lista Szkół 2015 - 2016 [post_name] => lista-szkol-2015-2016 [date] => 2015-05-06 ) [484] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7374 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVI Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvi-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [485] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7376 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [486] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7378 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Rachunek zysków i strat [post_name] => rachunek-zyskow-i-strat [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [487] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7380 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Informacja do sprawozdania [post_name] => informacja-do-sprawozdania [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [488] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7382 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Bilans [post_name] => bilans [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [489] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7384 [post_parent] => 7374 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2015-06-11 ) [490] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7469 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2014/2015 [post_name] => 20142015-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [491] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7471 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Regulamin ogólny XVI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-wims [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [492] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7473 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [493] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7475 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [494] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7477 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [495] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7479 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Informacje ogólne [post_name] => informacje-ogolne [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [496] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7481 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [497] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7484 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [498] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7486 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [499] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7488 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [500] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7490 [post_parent] => 7475 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [501] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7495 [post_parent] => 7477 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [502] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7498 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [503] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7501 [post_parent] => 6082 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [504] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7507 [post_parent] => 6077 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [505] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7509 [post_parent] => 6080 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2015-08-17 ) [506] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7529 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora krajowego [post_name] => lista-operatora-krajowego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [507] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7531 [post_parent] => 7224 [post_title] => Lista operatora wojewódzkiego [post_name] => lista-operatora-wojewodzkiego [date] => 2015-08-28 ) [508] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7550 [post_parent] => 5388 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-09-01 ) [509] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7604 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => System Rejestracji Szkół [post_name] => system-rejestracji-szkol [date] => 2015-09-16 ) [510] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7675 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => MultiSport 2016-Projekt [post_name] => multisport-2016-projekt [date] => 2015-10-18 ) [511] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7696 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [512] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7699 [post_parent] => 4560 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2015-10-22 ) [513] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7701 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [514] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7703 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [515] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7705 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [516] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7707 [post_parent] => 7488 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [517] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7709 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [518] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7711 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [519] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7713 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [520] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7715 [post_parent] => 7484 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [521] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7717 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [522] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7719 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [523] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7721 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [524] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7723 [post_parent] => 7486 [post_title] => Klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2015-10-24 ) [525] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7888 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Gala GRAND PRIX 2015 [post_name] => gala-grand-prix-2015 [date] => 2015-12-02 ) [526] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7935 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [527] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7937 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz-2 [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [528] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 7938 [post_parent] => 9729 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2015-12-26 ) [529] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8041 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Program Junior Sport [post_name] => program-junior-sport [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [530] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8043 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [531] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8045 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Opis projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [532] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8047 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [533] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8051 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Mapka [post_name] => mapka [date] => 2016-02-25 ) [534] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8166 [post_parent] => 7469 [post_title] => Pozostałe [post_name] => pozostale [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [535] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8169 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2016-03-23 ) [536] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8227 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Lista podmiotów realizujących [post_name] => lista-podmiotow-realizujacych [date] => 2016-04-13 ) [537] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8285 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BIEGACZE ZS Nr 1 w OSTRZESZOWIE PONOWNIE NAJLEPSI W POLSCE!!! [post_name] => biegacze-zs-nr-1-w-ostrzeszowie-ponownie-najlepsi-w-polsce [date] => 2016-04-27 ) [538] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8309 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Junior Sport [post_name] => junior-sport [date] => 2016-05-01 ) [539] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8333 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2016-05-05 ) [540] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8363 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2016-05-11 ) [541] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8377 [post_parent] => 8309 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2016-05-17 ) [542] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8403 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LISTA SZKÓŁ ZGŁOSZONYCH DO PROGRAMU MAŁY MISTRZ [post_name] => lista-szkol-zgloszonych-do-programu-maly-mistrz [date] => 2016-05-28 ) [543] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8450 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVII Walny Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xvii-walny-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [544] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8453 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [545] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8456 [post_parent] => 8450 [post_title] => Regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2016-06-11 ) [546] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8491 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => I edycja [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia-i-edycja [date] => 2016-06-23 ) [547] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8501 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy startowe i uzupełniające [post_name] => zestawy-startowe-i-uzupelniajace [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [548] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8503 [post_parent] => 5960 [post_title] => Zestawy Eduball [post_name] => zestawy-eduball [date] => 2016-06-30 ) [549] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8519 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2015/2016 [post_name] => 20152016-2 [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [550] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8521 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => XVIII Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => xvii-igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [551] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8523 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Gimnazjada [post_name] => gimnazjada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [552] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8525 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [553] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8527 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [554] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8530 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [555] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8532 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [556] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8541 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [557] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8543 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [558] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8545 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [559] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8547 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XVIII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xviii-wims [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [560] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8555 [post_parent] => 8521 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [561] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8557 [post_parent] => 8523 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [562] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8559 [post_parent] => 8525 [post_title] => współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [563] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8561 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [564] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8563 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [565] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8565 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [566] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8567 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [567] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8569 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [568] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8572 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [569] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8574 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [570] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8576 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [571] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8578 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [572] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8580 [post_parent] => 8555 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [573] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8582 [post_parent] => 8557 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [574] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8583 [post_parent] => 8559 [post_title] => Regulamin współzawodnictwa [post_name] => regulamin-wspolzawodnictwa [date] => 2016-07-09 ) [575] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8591 [post_parent] => 10998 [post_title] => Zlot Organizatorów Sportu Szkolnego [post_name] => zlot-organizatorow-sportu-szkolnego [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [576] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8593 [post_parent] => 8591 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-07-14 ) [577] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8630 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XVIII Walny Zjazd Delegatów 2016 [post_name] => xviii-walny-zjazd-delegatow-2016 [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [578] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8632 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Program [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [579] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8634 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [580] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8636 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2016-08-25 ) [581] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8679 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kalendarze do druku [post_name] => kalendarze-do-druku [date] => 2016-09-06 ) [582] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8704 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Uchwała [post_name] => uchwala [date] => 2016-09-10 ) [583] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8742 [post_parent] => 10306 [post_title] => WARSZTATY-AEROBIK [post_name] => warsztaty-aerobik [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [584] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8744 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => ZAPROSZENIE [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [585] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8746 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => PROGRAM [post_name] => program [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [586] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8748 [post_parent] => 8742 [post_title] => FORMULARZ ZGŁOSZENIOWY [post_name] => formularz-zgloszeniowy [date] => 2016-09-16 ) [587] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8755 [post_parent] => 8041 [post_title] => Gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [588] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8761 [post_parent] => 8755 [post_title] => II edycja [post_name] => ii-edycja [date] => 2016-09-21 ) [589] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8982 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2012-2016 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2012-2016-2 [date] => 2016-10-30 ) [590] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 8994 [post_parent] => 8630 [post_title] => Wyróżnienia [post_name] => wyroznienia [date] => 2016-11-02 ) [591] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Jarosław Graczyk [post_name] => jaroslaw-graczyk [date] => 2016-11-30 ) [592] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9468 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2017 [post_name] => szkolny-klub-sportowy [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [593] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9470 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [594] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9472 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => założenia projektu [post_name] => opis-projektu [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [595] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9474 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => formularz zgłoszenia [post_name] => formularz-zgloszenia [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [596] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9476 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [597] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9478 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista zgłoszonych jednostek [post_name] => lista-zgloszonych-jednostek [date] => 2016-12-01 ) [598] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9512 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => prezentacja [post_name] => prezentacja [date] => 2016-12-02 ) [599] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9540 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 1 [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [600] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9541 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Włochy 2017 [post_name] => wlochy-2017 [date] => 2016-12-07 ) [601] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9564 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => 9564-2 [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [602] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9571 [post_parent] => 6770 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [603] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9573 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2016-12-13 ) [604] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9656 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 2 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-2 [date] => 2017-01-21 ) [605] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9712 [post_parent] => 272 [post_title] => Protokół wypadkowy [post_name] => protokol-wypadkowy [date] => 2017-02-18 ) [606] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9729 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => imprezy-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [607] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9731 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [608] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9737 [post_parent] => 7935 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci-2 [date] => 2017-02-21 ) [609] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9826 [post_parent] => 9564 [post_title] => podsumowanie [post_name] => podsumowanie [date] => 2017-03-02 ) [610] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9902 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zgoda rodziców [post_name] => zgoda-rodzicow [date] => 2017-03-20 ) [611] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9924 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 3 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-3 [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [612] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9926 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Dokumenty do pobrania [post_name] => dokumenty-do-pobrania [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [613] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9928 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2017-03-24 ) [614] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9947 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte [date] => 2017-03-30 ) [615] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 9972 [post_parent] => 8519 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-04-03 ) [616] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10026 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat Nr 4 [post_name] => komunikat-nr-4 [date] => 2017-04-12 ) [617] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10048 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja I [post_name] => edycja-i [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [618] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10049 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia [post_name] => gdzie-i-kiedy-odbywaja-sie-zajecia [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [619] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10052 [post_parent] => 10049 [post_title] => edycja II [post_name] => edycja-ii [date] => 2017-04-20 ) [620] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10083 [post_parent] => 9541 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2017-05-05 ) [621] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10085 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2017 [post_name] => program-sks [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [622] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10087 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 1. Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => 1-sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [623] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10089 [post_parent] => 10085 [post_title] => 2. Koszulki [post_name] => 2-koszulki [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [624] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10091 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [625] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10093 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [626] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10095 [post_parent] => 10087 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [627] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10097 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [628] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10099 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [629] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10101 [post_parent] => 10089 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2017-05-10 ) [630] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10244 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XIX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów [post_name] => xix-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [631] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10246 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [632] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10248 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [633] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10250 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [634] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10252 [post_parent] => 10244 [post_title] => lista delegatów [post_name] => lista-delegatow [date] => 2017-06-11 ) [635] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10306 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2016/2017 [post_name] => 20162017-2 [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [636] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10319 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [637] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10322 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [638] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10324 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [639] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10326 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [640] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10328 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [641] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10330 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [642] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10332 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [643] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10334 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [644] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10345 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [645] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10347 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [646] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10349 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [647] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10351 [post_parent] => 10324 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [648] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10353 [post_parent] => 10326 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [649] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10355 [post_parent] => 10328 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [650] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10359 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Finały Ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [651] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10361 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [652] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10363 [post_parent] => 12180 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2017-07-31 ) [653] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10384 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XIX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xix-wims [date] => 2017-08-22 ) [654] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10388 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => kontakt [post_name] => kontakty [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [655] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10391 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => instrukcja do dziennika elektronicznego [post_name] => instrukcja-do-dziennika-elektronicznego [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [656] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10394 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => lista wypłat nauczycieli [post_name] => lista-wyplat-nauczycieli [date] => 2017-08-23 ) [657] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10435 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => testy sprawnościowe [post_name] => testy-sprawnosciowe [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [658] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10446 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => cykl szkoleń Żerków [post_name] => cykl-szkolen-zerkow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [659] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10448 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 8-9.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-8-9-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [660] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10450 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 15-16.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-15-16-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [661] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10452 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 29-30.09 [post_name] => szkolenie-29-30-09 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [662] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10454 [post_parent] => 10446 [post_title] => szkolenie 6-7.10 [post_name] => szkolenie-6-7-10 [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [663] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10460 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => instrukcja przeprowadzenia testów [post_name] => instrukcja-przeprowadzenia-testow [date] => 2017-09-04 ) [664] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10538 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Sejmik Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => sejmik-szkolnej-kultury-fizycznej [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [665] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10540 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Krajowe Szkolenie dla Organizatorów Sportu [post_name] => krajowe-szkolenie-dla-organizatorow-sportu [date] => 2017-09-21 ) [666] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10607 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => arkusz badania [post_name] => arkusz-badania [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [667] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10609 [post_parent] => 10435 [post_title] => film instruktażowy [post_name] => film-instruktazowy [date] => 2017-10-23 ) [668] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10715 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XV WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xv-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [669] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10717 [post_parent] => 10715 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2017-11-27 ) [670] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10781 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Sportowy 2018 [post_name] => sks-2018 [date] => 2017-12-17 ) [671] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10830 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [672] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10832 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [673] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10834 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja punktowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-punktowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [674] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10836 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [675] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10838 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [676] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10843 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja medalowa [post_name] => klasyfikacja-medalowa [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [677] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10845 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [678] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10847 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [679] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10849 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => klasyfikacja powiatów [post_name] => klasyfikacja-powiatow [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [680] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10851 [post_parent] => 10351 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [681] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10853 [post_parent] => 10353 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [682] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10855 [post_parent] => 10355 [post_title] => regulamin [post_name] => regulamin [date] => 2018-01-09 ) [683] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10894 [post_parent] => 9468 [post_title] => rozliczenie projektu [post_name] => rozliczenie-projektu [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [684] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10896 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => sprawozdanie [post_name] => sprawozdanie [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [685] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10898 [post_parent] => 10894 [post_title] => rozliczenie wpłat samorządów [post_name] => rozliczenie-wplat-samorzadow [date] => 2018-01-30 ) [686] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 10998 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Projekty [post_name] => projekty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [687] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OZSSON [post_name] => ozsson [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [688] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11008 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Aktualności [post_name] => aktualnosci [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [689] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11010 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Główne założenia [post_name] => glowne-zalozenia [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [690] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11012 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => O programie [post_name] => o-programie [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [691] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11014 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Realizacja Programu [post_name] => realizacja-programu [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [692] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11016 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Wypełnianie wniosków [post_name] => wypelnianie-wnioskow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [693] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11018 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Podpisywanie umów [post_name] => podpisywanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [694] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11020 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Rozliczanie umów [post_name] => rozliczanie-umow [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [695] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11022 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Niezbędne dokumenty [post_name] => niezbedne-dokumenty [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [696] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11024 [post_parent] => 11006 [post_title] => Listy [post_name] => listy [date] => 2018-03-07 ) [697] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11389 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XX Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów -2018 [post_name] => xx-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2018 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [698] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11396 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [699] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11398 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [700] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11400 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => 11400-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [701] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11403 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [702] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11405 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [703] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11407 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Delegaci Stowarzyszenia [post_name] => delegaci-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [704] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11409 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Lista członków zwyczajnych [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [705] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11411 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => Protokół komisji skrutacyjnej [post_name] => protokol-komisji-skrutacyjnej [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [706] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11413 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => 65 Lat - wniosek [post_name] => 65-lat-wniosek [date] => 2018-06-07 ) [707] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11472 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Estonia 2019 [post_name] => estonia-2019 [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [708] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11474 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => ISF [post_name] => isf [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [709] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11476 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Biegi na orientację [post_name] => biegi-na-orientacje [date] => 2018-07-11 ) [710] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11478 [post_parent] => 11389 [post_title] => lista wyróżnionych medalem 65 lat [post_name] => 11478-2 [date] => 2018-07-18 ) [711] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11484 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2018 [post_name] => program-sks-2018 [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [712] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11486 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [713] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11488 [post_parent] => 11484 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [714] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11490 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [715] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11492 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Opis przedmiotu [post_name] => opis-przedmiotu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [716] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11494 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Formularz ofertowy [post_name] => formularz-ofertowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [717] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11496 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór umowy [post_name] => wzor-umowy [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [718] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11498 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wzór nadruku [post_name] => wzor-nadruku [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [719] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11500 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Ogłoszenie [post_name] => ogloszenie [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [720] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11502 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Pytania i odpowiedzi [post_name] => pytania-i-odpowiedzi [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [721] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11506 [post_parent] => 11486 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-19 ) [722] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11518 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Rozstrzygnięcie przetargu [post_name] => rozstrzygniecie-przetargu [date] => 2018-07-27 ) [723] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11521 [post_parent] => 11488 [post_title] => Wybór oferty [post_name] => wybor-oferty [date] => 2018-07-30 ) [724] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11533 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2017/2018 [post_name] => 2017-2018 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [725] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11535 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XX WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xx-wims [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [726] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11537 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [727] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11539 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [728] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [729] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11543 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [730] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11548 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [731] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11553 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [732] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11557 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow-2 [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [733] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11559 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [734] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11561 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [735] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11563 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [736] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11566 [post_parent] => 12509 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [737] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11568 [post_parent] => 12511 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [738] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11570 [post_parent] => 12513 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2018-08-09 ) [739] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11607 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => [post_name] => 1-2 [date] => 2018-09-01 ) [740] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11675 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Imprezy masowe [post_name] => imprezy-masowe [date] => 2018-10-06 ) [741] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11695 [post_parent] => 3816 [post_title] => Format .eps [post_name] => format-eps [date] => 2018-10-08 ) [742] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11700 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => komunikat-nr-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [743] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11708 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Eliminacje [post_name] => biuletyn-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [744] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11710 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikaty organizacyjne [post_name] => komunikat-1 [date] => 2018-10-09 ) [745] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11727 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Hejnał i marsz SZS [post_name] => hejnal-i-marsz [date] => 2018-10-14 ) [746] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11809 [post_parent] => 3812 [post_title] => Księga znaku [post_name] => ksiega-znaku [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [747] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11811 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 70 lat SZS [post_name] => 65-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [748] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11815 [post_parent] => 11811 [post_title] => Logo 70 Lat SZS [post_name] => logo-70-lat-szs [date] => 2018-10-30 ) [749] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11988 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [750] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 11991 [post_parent] => 11988 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2018-12-20 ) [751] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12180 [post_parent] => 11533 [post_title] => Finały ogólnopolskie [post_name] => finaly-ogolnopolskie [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [752] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12182 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Terminarz [post_name] => terminarz [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [753] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12184 [post_parent] => 10359 [post_title] => Medaliści [post_name] => medalisci [date] => 2019-03-24 ) [754] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12280 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => II Warsztaty Metodyczne z Turystyki Kajakowej [post_name] => ii-warsztaty-metodyczne-z-turystyki-kajakowej [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [755] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12282 [post_parent] => 12280 [post_title] => komunikat organizacyjny [post_name] => komunikat-organizacyjny [date] => 2019-04-16 ) [756] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12507 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2018/2019 [post_name] => 2018-2019 [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [757] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12509 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [758] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12511 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [759] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12513 [post_parent] => 12507 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2019-07-31 ) [760] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12524 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [761] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12533 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [762] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12535 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [763] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12541 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXI WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxi-wims [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [764] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12543 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [765] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12547 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [766] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12551 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [767] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12555 [post_parent] => 11537 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [768] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12557 [post_parent] => 11539 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [769] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12560 [post_parent] => 11541 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2019-08-03 ) [770] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12636 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do delegacji sędziowskich 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-delegacji-sedziowskich-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [771] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12638 [post_parent] => 287 [post_title] => Tabela do umów zlecenie 17% [post_name] => tabela-do-umow-zlecenie-17 [date] => 2019-09-26 ) [772] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12640 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2019 [post_name] => program-sks-2019 [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [773] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12645 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Sprzęt sportowy [post_name] => sprzet-sportowy [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [774] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12647 [post_parent] => 12640 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2019-09-29 ) [775] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 12663 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xvii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2019-10-01 ) [776] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13062 [post_parent] => 12663 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2020-02-15 ) [777] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13259 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2020 [post_name] => program-sks-2020 [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [778] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13263 [post_parent] => 13259 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-01 ) [779] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13269 [post_parent] => 11476 [post_title] => Serbia 2021 [post_name] => serbia-2021 [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [780] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13273 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [781] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13275 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [782] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13278 [post_parent] => 14040 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2020-06-03 ) [783] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13290 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXII Walny Sprawozdawczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxii-walny-sprawozdawczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [784] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13292 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [785] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13295 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => regulamin obrad zjazdu [post_name] => regulamin-obrad-zjazdu [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [786] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13297 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => zaproszenie [post_name] => zaproszenie [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [787] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13299 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 1 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-1 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [788] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13301 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => uchwała nr 2 [post_name] => uchwala-nr-2 [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [789] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13303 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (kluby) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-kluby [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [790] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13305 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => lista członków zwyczajnych (stowarzyszenia) [post_name] => lista-czlonkow-zwyczajnych-stowarzyszenia [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [791] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13307 [post_parent] => 13290 [post_title] => sprawozdanie merytoryczne [post_name] => sprawozdanie-merytoryczne [date] => 2020-06-08 ) [792] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13375 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => 2019/2020 [post_name] => 2019-2020 [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [793] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13387 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolenie Dzieci i Młodzieży Sportowo Uzdolnionej [post_name] => smsu [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [794] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13395 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Animator Szkolnej Kultury Fizycznej [post_name] => animator-skf [date] => 2020-06-25 ) [795] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13435 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Historia [post_name] => historia [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [796] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13439 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 25 lat SZS [post_name] => 25-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [797] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13441 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => 45 lat SZS [post_name] => 45-lat-szs [date] => 2020-07-21 ) [798] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13461 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Regulamin Ogólny XXII WIMS [post_name] => regulamin-ogolny-xxii-wims [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [799] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13463 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Dzieci [post_name] => igrzyska-dzieci [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [800] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13465 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [801] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13467 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Licealiada [post_name] => licealiada [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [802] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13469 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [803] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13477 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [804] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13479 [post_parent] => 13463 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [805] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13481 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [806] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13485 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [807] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13488 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Kalendarz zawodów [post_name] => kalendarz-zawodow [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [808] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13492 [post_parent] => 13465 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [809] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13494 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Współzawodnictwo [post_name] => wspolzawodnictwo [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [810] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13496 [post_parent] => 13467 [post_title] => Regulaminy [post_name] => regulaminy [date] => 2020-08-29 ) [811] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13503 [post_parent] => 13375 [post_title] => Imprezy otwarte rangi mistrzostw szkół [post_name] => imprezy-otwarte-rangi-mistrzostw-szkol [date] => 2020-08-31 ) [812] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13615 [post_parent] => 759 [post_title] => XXIII Walny Sprawozdawczo-Wyborczy Zjazd Delegatów 2020 [post_name] => xxiii-walny-sprawozdawczo-wyborczy-zjazd-delegatow-2020 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [813] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13617 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin obrad [post_name] => regulamin-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [814] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13619 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Regulamin wyborów [post_name] => regulamin-wyborow [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [815] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13621 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Porządek obrad [post_name] => porzadek-obrad [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [816] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13623 [post_parent] => 13615 [post_title] => Strategia SZS na lata 2020-2024 [post_name] => strategia-szs-na-lata-2020-2024 [date] => 2020-09-17 ) [817] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Zasady bezpieczeństwa [post_name] => zasady-bezpieczenstwa [date] => 2020-09-27 ) [818] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13971 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2021 [post_name] => program-sks-2021 [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [819] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13973 [post_parent] => 13971 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2021-04-28 ) [820] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13985 [post_parent] => 13435 [post_title] => SUKCESY WYBRANYCH KLUBÓW - CZŁONKÓW SZS [post_name] => sukcesy-wybranych-klubow-czlonkow-szs [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [821] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13986 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ORKAN” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-orkan-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [822] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13991 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „JUVENIA” Puszczykowo [post_name] => mks-juvenia-puszczykowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [823] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13994 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS „DĄBRÓWKA” Poznań [post_name] => mks-dabrowka-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [824] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13997 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MKS Malta Poznań [post_name] => mks-malta-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [825] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14000 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MKS” Słupca [post_name] => uks-mks-slupca [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [826] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14002 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „VICTORIA” Gułtowy [post_name] => uks-victoria-gultowy [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [827] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14004 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Szkolny Klub Tenisa Stołowego „RATAJE 50” Poznań [post_name] => szkolny-klub-tenisa-stolowego-rataje-50-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [828] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14006 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „GONIEC” Kostrzyn [post_name] => uks-goniec-kostrzyn [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [829] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14008 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „SPRINT” Przeźmierowo [post_name] => uks-sprint-przezmierowo [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [830] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14010 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „MUKS” Poznań [post_name] => uks-muks-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [831] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14013 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => LKO – Leszczyński Klub Orienteeringu [post_name] => lko-leszczynski-klub-orienteeringu [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [832] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14015 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Uczniowski Klub Łuczniczy „LEŚNIK” Poznań [post_name] => uczniowski-klub-luczniczy-lesnik-poznan [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [833] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14017 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ATLAS” Tarnowo Podgórne [post_name] => uks-atlas-tarnowo-podgorne [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [834] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14019 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZAPASY” (do 2018 r. GRUNWALD) Plewiska [post_name] => uks-zapasy-do-2018-r-grunwald-plewiska [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [835] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14021 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „AS” Czempiń [post_name] => uks-as-czempin [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [836] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14023 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => BUKOS - Belęciński Uczniowski Klub Orientacji Sportowej [post_name] => bukos-belecinski-uczniowski-klub-orientacji-sportowej [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [837] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14025 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ARKADY” Raszków [post_name] => uks-arkady-raszkow [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [838] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14027 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „DELFIN” Kłecko [post_name] => uks-delfin-klecko [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [839] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14030 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => MUKS „CZARNI” przy ZSP nr 1 w Kępnie [post_name] => muks-czarni-przy-zsp-nr-1-w-kepnie [date] => 2021-05-11 ) [840] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14040 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => WSC BnO [post_name] => wsc-bno [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [841] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14042 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Sport Games U15 [post_name] => sport-games-u15 [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [842] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14044 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Komunikaty [post_name] => komunikaty [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [843] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14046 [post_parent] => 14042 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2021-05-16 ) [844] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14064 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „Czwórka” przy SP nr 4 w Koninie [post_name] => uks-czworka-przy-sp-nr-4-w-koninie [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [845] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14066 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => UKS „ZRYW” Przykona [post_name] => uks-zryw-przykona [date] => 2021-05-19 ) [846] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14071 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Kluby [post_name] => kluby [date] => 2021-05-24 ) [847] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14113 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Skład zarządu 2016-2021 [post_name] => sklad-zarzadu-2016-2021 [date] => 2021-07-16 ) [848] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14278 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XVIII WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xviii-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [849] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14280 [post_parent] => 14278 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2021-11-02 ) [850] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14372 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Deklaracja dostępności [post_name] => deklaracja-dostepnosci [date] => 2022-03-20 ) [851] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14627 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2022 [post_name] => program-sks-2022 [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [852] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14629 [post_parent] => 14627 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2022-07-13 ) [853] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14634 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Sędzia Sportowy [post_name] => mlodziezowy-sedzia-sportowy [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [854] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14636 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Młodzieżowy Organizator Sportu [post_name] => mlodziezowy-organizator-sportu [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [855] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14638 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => OK.RUCH! [post_name] => ok-ruch [date] => 2022-07-20 ) [856] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14759 [post_parent] => 11472 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-12 ) [857] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14761 [post_parent] => 11474 [post_title] => Summer Games [post_name] => summer-games [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [858] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14763 [post_parent] => 14761 [post_title] => Normandia 2022 [post_name] => normandia-2022 [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [859] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14765 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Biuletyny [post_name] => biuletyny [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [860] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14767 [post_parent] => 14763 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [861] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14769 [post_parent] => 13269 [post_title] => Komunikat końcowy [post_name] => komunikat-koncowy [date] => 2022-09-13 ) [862] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14916 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XIX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xix-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [863] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 14918 [post_parent] => 14916 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2022-11-15 ) [864] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15199 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2023 [post_name] => program-sks-2023 [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [865] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15201 [post_parent] => 15199 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2023-03-29 ) [866] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15352 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => AKTYWNA SZKOŁA [post_name] => aktywna-szkola [date] => 2023-07-05 ) [867] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15457 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XX WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xx-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [868] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15459 [post_parent] => 15457 [post_title] => komunikat [post_name] => komunikat [date] => 2023-09-22 ) [869] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15632 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => Igrzyska Młodzieży Szkolnej Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => igrzyska-mlodziezy-szkolnej-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-02 ) [870] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15646 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarze - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-id-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [871] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15651 [post_parent] => 15632 [post_title] => Kalendarz IMS - IMS Powiatu Grodziskiego [post_name] => kalendarz-ims-powiatu-grodziskiego [date] => 2024-01-04 ) [872] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15786 [post_parent] => 15787 [post_title] => Koszulki [post_name] => koszulki [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [873] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15787 [post_parent] => 5958 [post_title] => Program SKS 2024 [post_name] => program-sks-2024 [date] => 2024-03-06 ) [874] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15926 [post_parent] => 0 [post_title] => STANDARDY OCHRONY MAŁOLETNICH [post_name] => standardy-ochrony-maloletnich [date] => 2024-08-15 ) [875] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 15956 [post_parent] => 6768 [post_title] => XXI WARSZTATY METODYCZNE [post_name] => xxi-warsztaty-metodyczne [date] => 2024-10-06 ) ) AUTOEXPAND Array ( )
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Przypominamy, że przygotowaliśmy nową stronę internetową dotyczącą
Wielkopolskich Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej.
Wszystkie aktualności i informacje dotyczące zawodów
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W związku z planowanym powrotem do sportowej rywalizacji
rozpoczynamy przyjmowanie zgłoszeń
do rywalizacji w piłce nożnej dziewcząt
w kategorii Igrzysk Młodzieży Szkolnej
zapraszamy wszystkie chętne do udziału w rozgrywkach szkoły

do zgłaszania się mailowo do biura do dnia 23.05.2021,
zgodnie z komunikatem organizacyjnym. 
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prosimy o przekazanie takiej informacji w mailu ze zgłoszeniem drużyny.

PostHeaderIcon European Mile – Strava challenge

KONKURS!! 12 sportowych smartwatchy LENOVO CARME 2 do rozdania!

Przez cztery tygodnie, od 3 do 30 maja, w aplikcji „Strava” będzie możliwość dołączenia do darmowego wyzwania „European Mile Polska”. W każdym z tygodni, trzy osoby mają szansę wygrać SPORTOWY SMARTWATCH LENOVO CARME 2

Co zrobić, aby wziąć udział w konkursie? Zaloguj się w aplikacji „Strava”. Dołącz do klubu „European Mile Polska”. Uprawiaj aktywność fizyczną i wygrywaj!

Na czym polega konkurs? W klubach stworzonych w aplikacji „Strava” widoczna jest tablica liderów, tzw. „Club Leaderboard”. Rejestrowany jest na niej czas, jaki członkowie klubu poświęcają w ciągu tygodnia na aktywność fizyczną. Trzech uczestników konkursu, którzy w trakcie danego tygodnia poświęcą najwięcej czasu na ruch – wygrają! Wyzwanie trwa cztery tygodnie, co daje nam aż dwunastu zwycięzców

Strava – rejestracja i logowanie: rejestracji dokonuje się poprzez stronę lub za pomocą aplikacji mobilnej „Strava”. Logowanie może odbywać się zarówno za pośrednictwem konta w aplikacji, jak i przez konto Google lub Facebook.

Szczegółowe informacje w regulaminie konkursu, który znajduje się na stronie klubu w zakładce „Posts”

Wyzwanie organizują Ludowe Zespoły Sportowe. Partnerami LZS są fundacja V4Sport oraz Szkolny Związek Sportowy.



Z żalem przyjęliśmy wiadomość, że dnia 31 marca 2021r. zmarł
Józef Szebiotko
wychowawca, opiekun i trener kilku pokoleń
zawodników i zawodniczek piłki ręcznej,
związany z klubem MKS Malta Poznań,
MZKS Przemysław, MKS-AZS

Pogrzeb odbędzie się 13 kwietnia br. o godz. 12:30
na cmentarzu na Junikowie

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